Who remembers the child that was? ... Play, imagination, creativity.
psychology reveals that young age, infants use objects in their environment around them, such as blankets, soft objects, teethers, toys, his hand, his thumb, feet, etc.. to release tensions that occur, the most of the time by the temporary absence of the mother provider of emotional needs: food, tender touch, voice and care, The dream is the mediator between the emerging self and reality is always frustrating.
The preschool child enters a world of invention, in which the unrealizable desires find satisfaction in the game. Imagination provides a single, human, psychological and culturally valuable. The games are unmemorable. Different cultures and classes favor different kinds of games.
At stake is an extraordinary alliance of thoughts that actually seek to form a unique, particular, different, personal. The games promote physical development, mental and social. The games also help children to express themselves and consider their feelings. They also help develop your creative expression. Undoubtedly play an important gap in childhood will result in an imperfect and incomplete development of the personality, affecting in many ways, the intellectual, social, psychological, etc.
Play is an instinctive activity, natural, recreational, entertainment. Arises spontaneously, freely, making an entertainment that delves. Creativity also fosters mental growth of children because it provides the experiment with new ideas, new ways of thinking and solving problems, the setbacks. The game finds the child and corroborate his imagination.
Preschoolers are in contact with pencils, crayons, draw, paint, sing, listen to music, play with clay, paper, wood, water, fabrics, different materials. Run within games that involve the performance and progress of brain function. In short: the inside and live with these elements is beneficial to think and generate ideas. Creative processes encourage children to make their own decisions ... discover through play its independence and mastery of more resolute steps toward maturity and balance. The trains no longer accept check, and accept whatever they dictate.
The best ways to bring chess to children and youth for their education, their possibilities are: to understand the game as a recreational activity, which follows a playful impulse, born in the depths of our being. A child's game, is imagination and creativity. Wary: the coaches that take hours of sweat, and tears memorization. In this sense, humanity is important, the notion and teacher experience imbued with pedagogical knowledge, of a being who takes pleasure, teaching himself to recreate his childhood game that was planted in his mind, aided by the techniques and materials both ancient and modern, in a play area for development of a fun activity like chess.
A boy watches a game of chess and someone cares to communicate his experience and supposed to promote their "development" and he mentioned, that is the English Opening or tart, and that the next move is Nc5, this compendium theory claims that the boy tried and think like him. Instead of allowing the fantasy of the image causes chess in the child. The ability of consciousness means the ability to do so and not as we want or we are taught to look at things, some people, few can preserve hearing and seeing as before, as in childhood, using the imagination, the ability to perceive its own way.
who are qualified, who may be encouraging, not handling this sense, this inventing, this imagining of children and encourage their independence of mind, giving students the opportunity to protect and defend the option of a free, imaginative, safe , great, and timely chose. Chess is a game where the game outweighs the imagination, so it is culturally fruitful.
Dr. Gabriel CapĆ³ Vidal.
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