In response to: subliminal messages Manuel López Michelone http://www.la-morsa.blogspot.com/
The psychoanalysis with the game of chess.
Whoever wants to learn by the books the noble game of chess soon notice that only the openings and endings agree a systematic and thorough, but not the great and infinite variety of movements that follow the opening. Earnestly study only items that were measured in the great teachers can fill the gaps in education are subject similar limitations rules that one can give to the exercise of psychoanalytic treatment. -Freud-
The posthypnotic suggestion operating in the unconscious.
A suggestion to your subconscious will have an effect to modify our behavior for a short time. We appoint the case of the hypnotized subject is told that during a hypnotic trance after waking find your car keys. Will not be able to explain later why their behavior. If you strongly questioned why "The search for the keys? streamline the response: "I have the desire to conduct" prevented from knowing that your unconscious has determined his conduct "conscious" in the hypnotic indications involved in a person's unconscious, motivating and altering their behavior. The subject at the conscious level does not realize this. An individual makes after hypnosis acts that have been identified without any knowledge of why what about their behavior.
should clarify that can never be achieved by this means that someone, not like the snuff is a smoker, nor give up this habit of being fond of it, nor any chess player is transformed into an excellent player, perceiving unconscious and regularly "play chess well," "seek to be great teacher," I will make an IM norm in my next tournament, "I trust my calculus of variations" "will study two hours a day late." The effect of a suggestion is transient, not last, some time lose their effect. The same applies to the subliminal messages.
In 1957 he conducted the famous and classic research on subliminal advertising, which was to insert through the tachistoscope in the film "Picnic" starring William Holden and Kim Novak, subliminal messages that appeared on the screen 1/3.000segundo and said "Are you hungry? eat popcorn "and" Drink Coca-Cola. " A and as a result of this manipulation, popcorn sales increased by almost 58% and Coca-Cola in un18% (also considering that was all that was sold in the cinema) http://es.wikipedia .org / wiki / Mensaje_subliminal
James Vicary acknowledged Only three decades later, it was all designed mounting to sell to advertisers, subliminal advertising strategies.
The subliminal information theory is built on the foundation of the human ability to receive information subconsciously. The marketing paid to artists, illustrators, programmers in an attempt to intentionally manipulate our subconscious through advertising, to their profit and to buy, only that many studies have confirmed its ineffectiveness *.
No one with a program that uses every day and include subliminally "eat popcorn, drink Coca Cola and make a rule" make it good, or fattening, or be master. Nor by hypnosis or subliminal messages the subject commit events contrary to their ethics or integrity.
Psychoanalysis does not explore hypnosis the unconscious, learned that this resource is not therapeutic, precisely because of their condition: a temporary improvement, to alleviate the symptoms only for the duration of the suggestion. Even psychoanalytic practice stems from this premise. Therefore uses free association and interpretation of the slip, of dreams the royal road to know the subconscious to say about Freud. The aim is that our self, after beating several resistors, perceive the motivations are unknown to us (unconscious) and determine, govern our behavior.
The unconscious is constituted by a set of desires and impulses beyond our perception, because the mechanism of repression that we use constantly. Knowledge of the unconscious in man is one of the many things that have hurt the story through the narcissism of the human species, discovered that the planet earth is the center of our planetary system, that man comes from primates, due to a process of evolution, as you can imagine we are not alone in the universe and as we have raised: most of the time we are not aware of our behavior and our actions. However
unconscious thought processes are the source of man's creative capacity. A Dostoevsky after a period of psychoanalytic sessions conscious and experienced in their hatred of the father, had never written through his masterful unconscious, "The Brothers Karamazov." Just as no iterative subliminal message, heard at home safe from the wintry north wind, had persuaded him not to bet up Dostoyeski coat and lose the game.
Michelone mentions "Whether it's true that it is possible to influence the behavior and habits of the people through subliminal messages, it is evident that uses these techniques for many years. It does not take a genius to figure that, for example, on television, actors and actresses fashion influence everyday "Michelone mentioned" If some stars of the entertainment use some accessories, or dress in a peculiar way, no doubt his influence will reach a niche (small or large) population exposed to these stimuli. Because these messages on clothing, accessories or ways of behaving are not given directly (as in a commercial for a product) "
In this last seems to me that Lee is confused, fashion is a commercial product, it's an industry. With reference to the stars of show business, they too fall prey to fashion and a customer base of higher acquisition. The other men are part of a society these patterns of consumption and fashion fleeting imitation penetrate extralogical: like a drop, after drop of water on a rock, but in the minds and these offers are available in all windows (magazines, movies, television) so that people emit patterns of prestige, escape, joy in the pursuit of "happiness" and this I say, imitation is called extralogical a sociological phenomenon (no relation to the subliminal messages) Even some people commit crimes, in imitation of famous criminals.
logic Imitation, imitation is positive, which is done by reasoning and study and make progress in progress. Chess players are not alone, much least subliminal messaging programs. It requires guidance and study.
Imagine a computer program as scheduled and that we could get to a certain president of an association in our country, "You'll be a good president," "Working on behalf of children and national chess" "Do not reelect more" "Nobody has a conspiracy against you, just tired of your ineffectiveness"
What is not out of awareness of the reader, to know that these suggestions are contrary to the impulses of the unconscious of the recipient, his need irrational and neurotic power. If the unconscious motivations of the alcoholic self-destructive as Can drinking make a program to influence and contain the immensity of his drives and unconscious motivations.? No subliminal message
who compulsively draws; modify these trends within this sea of \u200b\u200bself-destructive impulses and productive character acquires inconscientes.El freedom to the extent that his reason and imagination are developed each time over a period of time through study in an attempt to maintain self-confidence and independence. No subliminal message does this.
Changes in our unconscious act, resulting from the realization of truth, the awareness of our guidance, the proverbial Know a ti mismo.Nuestros ojos distinguen y perciben en nuestra casa, en la calle, en nuestro ambiente de estudio, de trabajo y de ocio, diferentes cosas a lo largo de un día: objetos, sujetos, formas, colores, actitudes etc. y sólo una pequeña parte de estas contemplaciones se experimenta de modo consciente. El doctor O. Poetzle aportó que "El contenido de los sueños estaba compuesto en esencia de información percibida subliminalmente" "El contenido percibido subliminalmente es aislado y transformado para su reproducción posterior en los sueños".
Los mismo empíricamente lo decían Platon y Aristoteles, solo que despues de más de dos mil años Sigmund Freud es quien imagina y comprueba la función sleep, which is the rest of the defender of "the dream process allows safe hallucinatory experience, thus ensuring the continuation of sleep," "A dream is a sign that something has emerged that tended to disturb the rest. The sleeper dreams Instead of waking up under the influence of the disturbance. Experience shows that incentives are remnants daytime sleep. Hence, the claim developed in our interpretation of dreams and then shown to the evidence, that the words and phrases integrated in dream content are an imitation of the words the day before, or for impressions received during the same, reading, conversation, etc. "
Freud explains the different role of the remains daytime and children's wishes in the formation of the dream. The other day would be the partner that makes the idea and wants exploit it, but nothing can be done without the capitalist, ie without the desire for children, bear the costs, psychic costs necessary for the formation of the dream. and states that there is a transaction in which the remains taken from day unconscious desire and the strength, in turn, they use them as the indispensable means for access to consciousness.
Is it then the importance of the remains present day in the realization of dreams and desires. Can not go wrong. If we assume that the subliminal stimuli affect our perceptions and our emotions momentarily, then the perceived unconsciously in front of your computer: "You're a good player is likely that during the night sleeping, tired from our daily activities, we will dream smiling success with Juan Carlos * after working child of wish-fulfillment dream. Some useful will these programs a reality with news so unkind!.
A small and young chess players: The game has a lot of training, imitation logic, motivation, enthusiasm, study and training in the cognitive sphere, consciously. Dr. Gabriel Hood
* Terence Hines, for example, mentions in his book Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1990), "After many years of study has shown that the effects of subliminal stimulation are very limited. Citing
Ricardo Alfredo Martinez Ceruzzi http://www.analitica.com/cyberanalitica site in Section Matrix:
William F. Arens, in his book 2000, Advertising, Editorial McGraw-Hill, said that "so far no research has shown that there is inclusion, for example, obscenities in the ice cubes in a liquor ad, which somehow makes you buy ".
According to Sergio A. Vistrain D., Juarez Autonomous University of Tabasco (Highlights of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 1998), the concept of "Subliminal Advertising" really means "really mean things, but really does not look that says".
* MI Juan Carlos González-Cuban living in Mexico "Several times Champion
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