The game of silence.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
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The Arabs did not play chess in silence. The silence is imposed in modern times, the Middle Ages chess association nor silence. When a couple of players he faced, usually formed around a group of fans who commented on the departure and intended movements. This happens even in cafes, barbershops, in tents, etc. and is not frowned upon, because this is fun, not competitive.
to coexist has its norms we accept, abide by and respect for a principle of righteousness, if we agree to accept a challenge rules. Chess have their own to suit the times. Decades before anyone imagine a sound in the room professional chess game from a personal communication device, touted reflection the contestant and their own. This distraction is extended to chess players competing on adjacent tables.
Nobody doubts the need for silence as it is a condition for the merger. It's the same condition that applies in an opera attendees, imposed silence on the phones to enjoy the work and respect for coexistence. Would be unfavorable and uncomfortable listening to various sounds entry along the musical performance or during the long hours of just chess, listen more than he answers, his speech however short.
important thing in a tournament is to respect the rules play better chess, with its own guidelines that require silence. Carry a cell phone running, is not it a lot, I care little for others? What if the phone is on vibrate mode? Does that also penalized? What if only sounds a warning tone that the user came a message "?
Complaints about the sound of the phones within a game, besides the dissatisfaction with alleged shipments of moves or plays - which is possible within the technology - represented by the FIDE decision: the prohibition of cell phones "on" in a room.
Chess increases the capacity of decision, by choosing one, among several alternatives. If the rule of silence is inherent in chess, why not consolidate this option? -Turn off cell phones, as the best, the good of the game and its results.
This proposal does not go against the idea of \u200b\u200bchess competition or on the contrary. The important thing about a tournament is played under the best conditions of fairness in the silence. Those who play are responsible for their actions and decisions, is part of the teaching of chess. Those who learn the science game from children obey their behavioral patterns, including: respect for others, it teaches chess from a young age is not it?
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