male Checkmate to godliness.
A chess game is similar to the view we have of a woman, each the overestimates or underestimates, but none are able to judge objectively cold. -Reuben Fine-
Vera was born in Moscow, his mother is British, her father Czechoslovak, as is usual, he taught to play chess at the age of nine. For various reasons the whole family moved to Hastings England, where he enrolled in the local club. There he meets Macrozy making him, in his coach. Vera only 15 years to win the championship British woman says she is: generous in defeat and modest in victory, his current rantig of 2390.
Vera seems to have been carved by Vasiliy Zcezdochkin and painted by Sergei Maliutin: a beautiful Matrioska that came out six years before the birth of Vera in the World exhibition in Paris. Is ruddy, with that air of village women. the reincarnation of a typical Russian.
congratulate her on her appointment as Director of the British National Chess Centre and asked: Surely you throughout your career in chess have heard statements such as: Women and men can never play because they are just women, is something that is innate, are lower, you ever seen a woman do something better than a man?, women do not excel in chess.
Yes and that by the teachers, he tells us knew that Max Euwe responded to the question: if one day women could play chess well yes, but added, in a hundred years. Vera has a hearty laugh and cheerful.
But you win twice? indeed it was, and since then bestowed the title of President for Life of Vera Club. Their laughter becomes more sound. Albert Becker tells us how he could not bear that a woman participate in a chess tournament. While in Karlsbad he came to propose that all teachers to lose me, they should join a club to be known as: Club Vera Menchik "and who is supposed ridulizarme treatment, was the first to lose and enter the club immediately.
You explained to the best player in the world, World Champion for 17 years that a word must be mentioned nombrársele free form whatever comes in mind. Here is the transcript of his answers.
Scarborough Tournament
I got 4.5 points from 9 possible Not bad for a debut in a tournament of "one man" had only 22 years and no one believed he could achieve a single victory.
Women's Chess Champion of the World.
The first time 21 years and I've been 7 times.
of 83 games I won in 78, tied 4 and lost.
club members "Vera".
-smiles-list is long: Saemisch, Colle, Reshevsky, Golombek, Erich Eliskases, Akiba Rubinstein, Tartakower, y. .. Sir George Thomas!
Just them?
"Umm? -Funny-smile while in total, and 42.
George Alan Thomas.
Oh yeah, he won six times the honor of being a member of the club, were the times that I beat him!.
Maroczy Geza.
My friend and coach, I learned theory and positional play.
you ever said that I: played with the strength of a man.
Women's World Championships. Win
several Hamburg Prague, Stockholm and Warsaw Folkestone Buenos Aires.
I managed to be. Play
Challenging the rules is a challenge, go down in history for being the woman who opened doors to other chess players, for playing chess just reserved for men.
The results competing with men.
were: second place, shared with Akiba Rubinstein in Ramsgate, a half point behind Capablanca, but also half point ahead of my coach and George Maroczy Koltanowski. London occupies the 2 nd place, the third in Maribor-behind Pirc and L. Steiner, but ahead of Spielmann, and a third in Yarmouth. Not bad!.
Mieses. The
high, brought him down in a match in ten games: for 6.5 to 3.5, and you know ... never published the result, cause you can imagine. The worst that can happen is that they win a woman.
their contribution to the literature of chess.
I published several articles in Social Chess and Chess Quarterly.
Do chess players are alone?.
laughs. I teach and also the receipt of Maroczy.
Sultan Khan.
Champion india Wicker also distinguished Vera Club, but he did not return home until two years after his defeat me, for shame of his countrymen would say, for fear of ridicule.
Max Euwe.
By winning, said: "I did not expect her to see much."
Rudolf Spielmann.
"Race sticks" appointed our meeting in Carlsbad. He was always a gentleman, knew how to treat women.
our society.
Patriarchal, unequal opportunities, sexist education.
Will there be better for women?
us not forget that in chess not only have we been ... present and future.
Idea and compilation.
Dr. Gabriel Hood Vidal.
8 items
8 items
Menchik - Frydman, Podebrady Menchik - Thomas, London
Menchik - Sonja Graf, Semmering ( SEE) (SEE )
(SEE )
Menchik - Sonja Graf, Semmering ( SEE) (SEE )
(SEE )
Your Results: Past
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