The knowledge is useful in daily living.
Theoretically, we can learn from books with basic reading skills, but it is rewarding. Children require emotional responses, meet your need for relationship. Therefore I disagree with the phrase "Chess players are alone" of Manuel López Michelone. Narcissism is the opposite of objectivity, reason and love.
An elementary form of consciousness is the feeling, an expression is not performed, nor necessarily related to previous experiences. Our feelings are the main, aware of something. These impressions travel the nerve endings and inform our sense organs from external stimuli.
Let's talk about perception. Looking at a series of chess pieces in a certain position, do not claim that only Chess pieces are placed randomly. We are capable of a process of counting, matching and discover the collaboration between the chess figures and give a global sense, read in conjunction with mathematical, geometric, chess. If we can articulate that White will checkmate in six moves more.
those findings are manifestations of knowledge, a higher value than the original sense and are possible for a reason. When the primitive sensations (basic functions of knowledge) are analyzed, and relates to past experience, acquired the meaning of perceptions.
Magical thinking.
With a little imagination could visualize a prehistoric human being that one morning he decided to capture animals and forced by bad weather, sleeping away from his cave, away from your clan, in any place, tired of a fruitless travel. On a moonlit night, the light that emanates, lands on the spear of the hunter, is exhausted, drowsy distinguishes the reflection. The next day the hunting party hungry and skillfully manages several dams. Share with friends joyful discovery, the great secret: "They should leave the spears the night before the hunt serenely in the light of the moon, and hunting is abundant" and adds "If the moon is not reflected on the weapon will fail the exit.
The idea of \u200b\u200breflecting on the launch lunar associated with success in hunting is called magical thinking. This produces magical thinking: What is known as rituals that aim to achieve results using false cause-effect relationships. When some of the men of his horde fail at hunting companion question: Why they do not work, why have had a bad game even though its recommendations?, He mentioned his lack of faith, or the presence of evil spirits that interfere.
This magical thinking is ineffective due to the falsity of their principles in which it is based, is a child thought rudimentary can see that this archaic thinking is still present in some minds. Does anyone know of a chess player who attribute to their fetish, or dolls that puts on the corner of the table; victories, childhood reminiscences?
The triumph of intelligence and culture.
This form of magical thinking was followed by the empirical base of scientific thinking. Historical moment in which man modifies his environment is the subject of ancient character notes that the seeds that shot on the ground have produced a shock and that the miracle can be repeated, the knowledge was derived de la experiencia. Este suceso dio paso al sedentarismo y a las grandes civilizaciones. El pensamiento se tornó práctico, eficaz. Este avance en el pensamiento permitió una de las etapas más significativas en el desarrollo de la cultura, es el triunfo de la inteligencia sobre el primitivismo mágico.
Estos nuevos conocimientos como el saber sembrar, el forjar metales, etc. se trasmitió de generación a generación por medio de la tradición oral. Fue un almacenamiento de conocimientos sobre diferentes especies del saber y que se trasmitieron al través de la enseñanza, El ajedrez se remonta dentro de las leyendas a tiempos milenarios, algunos autores ubican su origen en los egipcios, los mas entre la cultura árabe, I know more about this game from old age and middle age.
knowledge through the time when they separated in large groups or systems as the object to which they relate, and science are born. At the beginning of scientific thought is a system of knowledge premiere ordered, governed by certain laws that later received the name of logic is the most solid and useful philosophy of knowledge. The man trusted the accuracy of their thinking.
Chess passing through this stage of magical thinking to remember the "magicians" of chess because of his "charm" We achieved great feats enigmatic. Steinitz was a deep thinker, a great discoverer who becomes aware that wins are not random, which reflects the collection of small advantages.
A final form of comprehensive knowledge stems directly from personal experience. Settle down an example, that of a herdsman of cattle, living in a rural setting. For more than imagine the situation and try to live with strength in mind, we will never have real knowledge of the situation would be like to have milked a cow, to have lived, if any experience.
A book, a good documentary on the milking method may give us a deeper understanding, we indicate techniques precautions, hygiene, danger of the tread of a cow, etc. This is due to the nature of the book or the film symbolic and communicative. But in practice only be there, smell the barn, hearing the roar of the ruminant, touching their udders, he repeatedly tells us the softness or force to be used by our fingers for an effective milking.
training makes us confirm our being aware, we learn from daily practice and becomes an expert. Anyone can understand in books and movies, wars take another example: The horror of the bombing, the sound of sirens, hunger, lack of food, water, the cries of pain of the wounded, the smell of shrapnel and famine that generate these belligerents, This, as we might imagine. But never have the knowledge of this situation that would, if indeed we had been there.
is very certain, no, it is necessary that all these events we have to occur so that they can understand, but in the case of chess knowledge as in others, we experience within ourselves the feelings, the emerging analysis, advances in perceptions. Our successes through the trainings, improve through various teaching techniques, is evolving within a context of wisdom and exchange of ideas. Children and young people are trained, they get interest, knowledge, respect and responsibility. The young chess players have to be in training. Then home to continue studying, checking.
If knowledge is experienced by the subject, that enriches it and obtain knowledge of the people and the world through practice, experience very foundation of education and if we analyze it and refer to frames appropriate software, then it becomes part of scientific thought, is the case in many sciences, chess, too.
A qualified counselor receives the name of master teacher teacher or coach must have humanity, dedication and ideas so that students receive the benefit of an ancient teaching that originally aired from mouth to mouth, which was stored in the collective memory for hundreds of years, a concept and then totaled in books, that is not lost. (In the case of chess in 1561 published the Book of the invention liberal and game art axedrez by De Ruy Lopez)
The phrase "chess is just" is a throwback, a degree of narcissism compatible with social cooperation. The human has to relate to himself, with others to find ways to replace the roots that nature has granted to other animals (instinct) The emotional survival is the need to relate to others to defend themselves, to play, to educate, to transmit knowledge and to obtain satisfactions.
Today we can use the books, illustrations, just as I matured early, next to a fire inside a cave, teaching their offspring the cave paintings of animals that existed in outline (source nutrients) and how to hunt. Current pedagogy is the continuation of this oral tradition he bequeathed to us by our ancestors. In chess is, to recreate and investigate on a chessboard the remote warlike exploits, starring the world and the bygone masters of the newest teachers, supervised by the advice of an experienced tutor and then continue digging into the books in the warmth of home. In a surprising journey of feedback.
is undisputed that all mothers of children and young chess players are pleased that their young love what they have, but not prevent them from seeking what they want, and what we aspire to and in a nutshell it is: more love, more knowledge, more recognition. Therefore they are fully illuminated, is part of their live
Dr. Gabriel Capo Vidal.
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