Who played chess ... Jaime Sabines.
Sabines was born in Cintalapa, Chiapas de Figueroa is a composer and singer and one of the most widely read poets and best-selling books in Mexico. Award has been Villaurrutia in 1973 and National Literature Prize in 1983.
studied medicine in his youth, which recalls, "I was not feeling well at the School of Medicine, which became a trauma that lasted three years. Now I feel that hurt me so much medicine. But three years in medicine have rendered me a poet. When I felt compelled to see myself, to talk about myself, my great loneliness, my fears, my sorrows, my hopes, my dreams, I felt contrast with the city every day smack me in school, or air from Mexico that I did not like, and that at that time was clean, not this crap now breathe.
tells us that when abandoned his medical studies, he entered the department of philosophy and letters, met Julio Torri, José Gaos, Ricardo Guerra, Rosario Castellanos, Fernando Salmerón, Héctor Azar, Emilio Carballido, Sergio Castro and Dolores Luisa Magana Josefina Hernández and the l Nicaraguan Ernesto Cardenal, in his time in Mexico. I was also dependent on a clothing store, my brother. "Where today wrote several of his famous books.
met Pellicer, Tabasco and the poet tells a story that speaks of the nature of Sabines. "The teacher Carlos Pellicer, read my poems in the journal Metaphor and interested him. One day I called and asked if I had written poems and intended to publish. I replied that I was writing, and said:''If you ever publish a book, come to me I'm going to do the foreword. "To my taste, the best at that time was Jose Gorostiza and Pellicer. Would have been a I shove terrible it made the prologue to Horal. I finished my book and thought:''With Pellicer anything, or vouchers you by yourself, or what, are you going to wear crutches for your first book? No sir. I finished the poems, I went with the teacher and said he did not accept his preface, but thanked him for his support. I wrote at age 23 in the first year of philosophy
on his book tells us who was born in the fabric store. Tells us: It strikes me that is the book that most young people are identified. I'm surprised this phenomenon. When I was in Cuba in 1965-was jury of Casa de las Americas, all young people are attracted Tarumba. I was also on the beaches of Tonala, Chiapas, den of attending many hippies, and found that these guys were also Tarumba liked. Why did this happen? How can these kids that grow in the Cuban revolution and these others that grow in the freedom of horse racing Tarumba identify with? That was and still is everything. Tarumba is a protest against a life that leads
. This is the default.
on his poetry, Marco Antonio Campos says: One of the Mexican poets closest to the claim that a writer only writes a book in his life, he created a style and a tone that something that makes immediately related one writes like him.
Monsivais says: The Sabines convening power lies, I believe, the ability to lead the pleasure of metaphor, using everyday items. This gift formidable expression sabiniana become so before he could be any of us. On the occasions I have seen in action at the age of Sabines, loving those who are not ashamed to reach any agreement, perceived or thought I perceived that many of them count New count poems or poems earned him entry into a world unexpected stimuli, linked to the music of the word, emotion long lived in a metaphor, the possibility of leaning into a sensibility that did not know about themselves, and share their passion with the usual inaugural poetry, those in the know. Great poetry spontaneity is built with hard work, simplicity of complexity, with disdain to the tyranny of good taste or face the consequences of excess and provocation.
José Emilio Pacheco, in a text, full body paint:''Jaime Sabines below this criterion as one of the few poets who has truly made Mexicans work: an impressive tally and, say, five poems (not necessarily the same for each player) that are among the largest of its language and its century. You can not ask for more and more can be sucked by that are huge ambitions. Sabines is wrong and all, but succeeds like few others. You have the right to judge and remember him for his best, numerous times. Without those texts firing in all directions without ever organized, it would Sabines Sabines, had not given us those other pages that remain in our memory and accompany us while we are alive. "
Elijah Nandino think of Sabines' 'Jaime Sabines does not beat for equivocation nor poses for his poems. The bread is consecrated bread and wine, wine. He hates the bourgeois and the stationary and have the words to express their anger, their violence, bad mood or discover the universe of love or terminate it strikes you or give you nausea. One wonders: how does the poet to give dignity to the word on the street, the ordinary, which arises at the entrance of the canteen or in the haze of cigarette smoke that pervades the shadows of the houses date?.
Rosario Castellanos, wrote:''Jaime readers long ago we Yuria, arrested this powerful monument to a man recorded his protest, hope and despair, wisdom, and their dark, waiting to come other and to decode and share. For before these signs can agree or disagree passionately but not shrug with indifference, do not spend long as virtue to drag into orbit, to place ourselves in their field and there and leave us free to be rational in accordance with their poems . Because emotionally yes have been sold.
Efraín Huerta has a story: of the few times that Sabines public was permitted to read the poem to his father. "Huerta says:''One afternoon, in a CU amphitheater, Jaime gave a recital, and the presentation was made Chayito Castellanos. When he finished reading, a gentleman asked the poet to read a little less bitter than what I read, for example the poem more Sabines. "Oh, really? And Jaime read as only he, Something about the death of Major Sabines, and the gentleman who had called the poem was doing little boy to disappear in floods of tears. Total, when completed, are forward Chayito departure, and only we said, 'It's the head honcho. "
Joaquin Diez Canedo mention the famous editor of the poem more Sabines, that there has been no similar from Manrique's poem on the death of his father.
has purpose, says Sabines: I wanted to make a cheap edition Canedo and was known everywhere, and he fancied that no one writes for others, not to have the book saved. Sabines
confesses: I have never turned my steps in poetry. Correct only at the time of writing. If you look at my books will find them almost clear, with a line that he rejected poems, and occasionally changing a word. For usually always correct it at the time of writing, I always had the idea that poetry is the result of a moment, and that we are like the river of Heraclitus: if I, today, correct what I did yesterday, I'm committing adultery, I I'm faking. The Jaime Sabines yesterday was very different from Jaime Sabines of right now, like this today will be different tomorrow. So do not believe in the correction, as I see it as a forgery. Poetry communicates emotion rather than nothing, and the excitement of today is not the same as tomorrow. With some other way, with another
nose, we smell different ... On his way
policy brief says wryly: "I'm really policy. "I'm in politics again. I know that no good, but I use and I exhibit "Poet, family circus butterfly pierced by a pin, case 5." (I, with you, to me) "
laughs when we reported: I like the word old, officially entered old age, one day before I felt comfortable, lively, joyful, bright, gullible. I like the word old, but I hate the word Señecta.
He explains to the poet Jaime Sabines, the most beloved of poets. nombrársele a word to be mentioned in freely whatever comes in mind. Following is the transcript of the words and their answers.
a gratuitous act, a tremendous mystery which we have sought for years in our youth, in that awful encounter of the words with the mystery of life. Poetry is an event, an event, an everyday occurrence.
The poem goes like fruit gives peach peach, pear gives pears, and thus free, a gift, a miracle, the magic of the poem flows.
poet by vocation "?
No destination, because poetry is like a curse or as a blessing, that saves us from dying daily.
poetry is written for others, and if someone tells me they like what I write, one finds the satisfaction of discovering that poetry is made, that there is someone who helped him overcome a moment of solitude, or a anxiety or regret for the contagion of the poet's sorrows, to feel relief that the suffering is nothing more than a, well, that's the joy of poetry.
What is literature?
"Nothing. It may be a trade, but also unemployment. Poetry is another thing: it is a destination. It's something you do mainly with words, emotions, with feelings.
It's like the poem is a means of communication, a means of human understanding, a bridge that stretched between a personality and other inter-island.
I have often thought it is to play against fate. All games, including gambling, is a confrontation with destiny. But chess is enormous, deeply beautiful. Has been defined as a sport, as a science and art. The art attracts me there in chess: the surprise of art, the inner beauty of the game, the many beautiful locations that occur in a game. Of course, they do not know think chess is an entertainment, as a task to be solved.
take a laptop to bed at night and solve a game in which council sleep. As chess players know, the only way to sleep is to kill the king.
My favorite is Alekhine. Capablanca was Apollonian: Straight, firm, profound simplicity. Alekhine was the war, tigre, playing against men. Chess today is very different to that played Capablanca and Alekhine. They play like computers, are cold. I've never touched a game of Karpov. In contrast, in one of three sacrifices Alekhine meeting.
Simultaneous .-
the simultaneous playing blind -. Thirty-five, forty boards at the time. What a great memory!.
was the last that combined the genius of romantic chess technique of the current players. Chess
I do not like, do not teach anything.
A mediocre who defeated Alekhine, by this terrible drunkenness.
Widows of chess.
Chess is totally absorbing. For some time I was a fan. When I was in the store, my brother John sent me a few little problems that drew who knows what magazines and I spent days to solve some, gave me great joy to find a solution. I took chess to bed! Until my wife protested.
"With chess I have acquired a new sense of time. That applies not only to clock time, not only is spent playing. I refer to the order of moves in chess: if one performs a brilliant but a moment before or after does not work, the intermediate moves, without which a combination can not be done, namely mean "wasting time" Chess gives a notice of the time, but in eternity; a story about time and perpetuity.
Freedom is acquired, ironically, with the greatest rigor and greater discipline The poet has to be completely in body and soul. We must have heard wide-awake, alert eyes and any exposed skin, as the swimmer who wants to swim well and have to get water every day, only through many years go by getting results, only when it has done a good seed will reap consistent products.
Chess is a noble game. It is not just to win. For that, one with a Villamelon plays, and with such a low level victories. It's much better to play with someone as or better than yourself to learn: that's the joy, that's like chess. I'd rather lose a game with someone to teach me.
Support .-
conditions to play chess in Mexico are not favorable. Unlike runners or football players, for example, Chess players do not have support.
Is chess is just?
You have to put the water and swim every day to learn to be a good athlete, you learn by reading a lot of people, listening to another and by investigating some things.
... I spoke of the marijuana, heroin, mushrooms, the llaguasa. Through the drug came to God, it was perfect, disappear. But I prefer my old mind-boggling: loneliness, love, death.
Aldous Huxley and James Joyce, I "hit like a sock turned was a glow of life, generosity of life.
live a very lonely, and poetry as a gesture of love, is a bridge that stretched between an island and another island. Sara Island, James Island, a bridge between our own lives. Poetry is not just a bridge between loneliness tend to another.
The writing is already done to break the solitude, that moment when you write is a moment of communion with people and with life. Even with the furniture and things. Writing is the true meaning of life. Personally, for the poets is a kind of catharsis. I remember when my father died, I wrote all these poems, night after night as it was passing disease and, later, when his death, burial, mourning.
in 1961 after writing something on the Death of Major Sabines, kept silent for three years because he was tired of talking about death, but could not get her out of her head. Finally, the theme of death overcomes me again and I realize that I could not leave until it faced resolutely. So, I decided to write the second part of the poem in 1964 Major Sabines, more or less. Write me out of my solitude. Often, when one is dying or a loved one dies, writing is all that matters.
When I get to look back, I realize they do not know who did it.
The poet is the lawyer hired by the life, the poem is born, but also done, so the poet must be, to know the instrument of his work: the language. And it has to apply.
Happiness .- I do not think happiness, I think it's a bad recipe for our time. I prefer to recommend, live intensely, happiness is a silly word. Life is made up of twenty thousand moments of happiness and twenty thousand evil and disastrous times during the day.
Neruda.Ahora to think, to Neruda's work on 50 percent of poetry.
is a song of survival more than life. Tarumba was written in the most adverse conditions for a poet.
is what I have been me, I tried to love, so I say in the loving, ranging surrendering, giving themselves all the time. " Love is the ultimate, eternal, permanent. But at the same time, as expressed in that poem, 'The lovers laugh at those who believe in love as an inexhaustible lamp. Casanova genuinely seeks to love and be love.
is my first book I wrote in 1949. It was when I say that I felt I had a voice, because he had already written hundreds of pages that were in the trash, Fortunately it always had a sense very critical and very demanding. Horal When I started writing I realized that I could come around my first book when I remember the time when I wrote it, it feels like a portrait of everyday life.
One is different from today to tomorrow, every day is a different person. " And because poetry takes just a moment of life, then the next day and have no right to mess with him.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, the most beloved, the chosen of my heart, lonely, strong because I have faithfully represented the role of men and have promoted biological account from the sweet childhood unique to the canyon echo of old age where I start to scream my name. I have to leave, with pain, with pain, let the world leave the world. Ah, leave, leave, leave the world. Father .-
My father taught me chess when I was a kid, seven or eight years. He was an amateur, first tower gave me an advantage, then horse or jack. Then we play and even when I was 11 or 12 years, and she beat the old man, and I was cheated jalisquito: commanded me to bring anything and moving parts. Friend of my life all the time, protector of my fear, my arm, clear words, settled heart.
Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Like no theorem rigid chess, but the invitation to adventure, I prefer players looking for magic. As Carlos Torre against Emmanuel Lasker, game played in Moscow in 1925. Carlos Torre moved 24. C3R, to which Lasker said DOCK. And then, the great master made a tremendous demonstration Yucatec: 25. A6A! DxD, 26. TxP + R1T, 27. TxP + R1C, 28. T7C + R1T, 29. TxA + R1C, 30. T7C + R1T, 31. T5C + R2T, 32. TxD R3C, 33. RXA TT3, 34. TxP + r4c, 35. TT3 and Lasker was right to surrender.
A moon can be taken by the spoonful or in capsules every two hours. It is useful as a hypnotic and sedative and also relieves those who have too much philosophy. A piece of moon in your pocket is better amulet that rabbit's foot: Allows you to find who you love, To be rich without anyone knowing it and to deter doctors and clinics. It can give it to children when not stayed, and a few drops of moon in the eyes of the elders help them to die. Put a piece of moon Under your pillow and you'll see what you want. Always carry a bottle of air from the moon To keep you from drowning, and give him the key to the moon to prisoners and the disappointed. For those condemned to death and sentenced to life for no better tonic than the moon. Precise and controlled dose. Idea and collection
Dr. Gabriel Hood
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=sabines+literatura&ei=UTF-8&y=Search&rd=r1&meta=vc% 3dmx & fr = YFP-t -501 & fp_ip = MX & xargs = 0 & PStart = 1 & b = 11 Poems.