factual Reelection
A Throughout history, the facts have shown that the results of the re-elections were always bad. Over time it loses the momentum needed for the management, bureaucratic and political elephant is oxidized and the quickness of the problems that need changing are lost. Unfortunately in Argentina today is we have a factual re-election, that is the cause of the current problems. The government agrees to a second term without being able to cast blame a previous administration. The conflict with the agricultural sector shows a lack of ideas, the Machiavellian way of thinking about politics and not to recognize the current problems. It is known, in order to fix something, you first have to be aware that this is a problem. This skewed view of reality is also reflected in the inflation problem, which in spite of not entering a phase of resurgence, requires no less than concrete steps towards moderating. The consequences of widespread price increases are serious, very serious. Is a direct relationship with increasing inflation increases the number of poor in the Argentina uneven. Also eats the purchasing power of the entire society, with disastrous consequences we all know. The current pattern of regressive taxation aggravates the picture, getting the incredible results that end up subsidizing the lower class social group.
Although unlikely, it is necessary to stick a change of direction in the design of power (not just the current national government, but of all social and political actors), in addressing conflict, providing innovative, creative and specific to them. The State should act as a flag being unique and inalienable dialogue, listening to sectoral realities of becoming so in real vehicle for interaction and settlement in a society that seems to be increasingly faced, induced from a political power that turns a deaf ear to a common request: integration, true inclusion, respect, freedom, honesty and rights of all Argentines. Did you ever see this desire come true?
Cristian Bergmann
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