World Champion says: Go the possibility of combining, where others do not suspect that there is, hence, its combined print and are capable of breaking all resistance. A truly special gift! and: you can spend hours looking at a game of anyone. Lives for chess and chess only, or this other "Alekhine, unlike all the champions, aims to combat itself.
of his personality is said to be an obsessed, selfish, childish, drinker and permanent exclusion from all anthologies of exemplary lives. There is talk that it is superstitious, in the second match with Euwe World Championship by , wearing a jersey with a black cat embroidered on the chest.
Alexei was her mother and brother four years older than Alekine, who taught him the game when he was seven years old. By age 11 or the 12 he started playing a bit more seriously, and then began to display their unique skills to play with 'blind'.
Alekine drink of the cup and caress your cat purrs at his side and tells us. My mother was determined to baptize my brothers with names of the characters of the Russian playwright Ostrovsky. My older brother was called Alexei, my sister, Varvara, and I was named Tisha. I was my father who changed his name to Alexander. I was a good student, maybe a little distracting, but excels in all subjects except mathematics. Then, to approve my studies at the Military Academy go to the Imperial School of Law for Noble Superior, where I graduated as a lawyer.
Alexander won the title of Master of Russia, at age 16, after a couple of smaller tests in Hamburg and Stockholm, in the same city got its first great victory, tying for first place Nimzovich Aaron. In St. Petersburg, but was won by Lasker, and second place for Capablanca, Alexander got placed third, Tarrasch and Marshall above the American. We were telling us the master: the first five chess players in history to receive the distinction of "Grand Master", which was granted to us by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. I won among others, the following tournaments: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Mannheim, Budapest, Hastings, Paris, Buenos Aires, Kecsmet, Venice, San Remo, Bled, Caracas, London, Zurich, Orebro, Dresden, Montevideo.
During the first war was echo prisoner. During his incarceration the only way to play chess blindfold was doing something he could do with their Russian colleagues: Bogoljubow, Romanowski, Selesniev, Rabinovich and Bogatirtschuk who had also been imprisoned. Alekine does not mention that thanks to the influence of his family could take refuge in Russia, near the end of war tells us, start the Bolshevik revolution, the family fortune was confiscated
became a French citizen, he resumed his chess career, defeating Max Euwe in a particular meeting and took second place in the tournament in New York, second only to Capablanca. One thing led to another and disputes with the world chess center and crown me as the fourth World Champion. Vasodilation produced by the emotion on his face, not hide the earthy tone of his face due to bad liver that is suffering. As I looked so old-looking, the association of ideas is inevitable and irumpe in mind the much celebrated phrase: "The human mind is limited, but human stupidity is limitless"
is known that its relations with Capablanca are poor and both have avoided. The reason of this enmity are unduly harsh conditions, according Alekhine, Raul had set for anyone who would challenge him. In retaliation, Alekhine refused to accept any request by the Cuban revenge, if not giving the same manner as it had previously required it. To accept the Capablanca rematch asked $ 10,000 to reunite Cuban, the rejected, because the dollar was undervalued and demanded payment in gold. The Interior Minister of England, Sir John Simon opened a tournament in the town of Margate and the Grand Master says that after mentioning the name Capablanca, I left the room immediately, I hear irritated name.
"Bogolan" a doubled pawn authentic, I mean so big, entitled Siegbert his departure as the game that killed Dr. Tarrasch what betrays its crude humor. It gave the sad fact that in the few days Bogolan - which is the alias he defeated Efim-Tarrasch, who died. Contested the World Championships twice, and both will win. 15.5 to 9.5, and 15.5 to 10.5.
Alekine drink of the cup and caress your cat purrs at his side and tells us. My mother was determined to baptize my brothers with names of the characters of the Russian playwright Ostrovsky. My older brother was called Alexei, my sister, Varvara, and I was named Tisha. I was my father who changed his name to Alexander. I was a good student, maybe a little distracting, but excels in all subjects except mathematics. Then, to approve my studies at the Military Academy go to the Imperial School of Law for Noble Superior, where I graduated as a lawyer.
Alexander won the title of Master of Russia, at age 16, after a couple of smaller tests in Hamburg and Stockholm, in the same city got its first great victory, tying for first place Nimzovich Aaron. In St. Petersburg, but was won by Lasker, and second place for Capablanca, Alexander got placed third, Tarrasch and Marshall above the American. We were telling us the master: the first five chess players in history to receive the distinction of "Grand Master", which was granted to us by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. I won among others, the following tournaments: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Mannheim, Budapest, Hastings, Paris, Buenos Aires, Kecsmet, Venice, San Remo, Bled, Caracas, London, Zurich, Orebro, Dresden, Montevideo.
During the first war was echo prisoner. During his incarceration the only way to play chess blindfold was doing something he could do with their Russian colleagues: Bogoljubow, Romanowski, Selesniev, Rabinovich and Bogatirtschuk who had also been imprisoned. Alekine does not mention that thanks to the influence of his family could take refuge in Russia, near the end of war tells us, start the Bolshevik revolution, the family fortune was confiscated
and I imprisoned, imprisoned in Odessa, Ukraine. Alenxander refuses to tell us how he fled Russia, only manages to say with a tinge of nostalgia, never returned to my homeland.
Exiled Russian became a French citizen, he resumed his chess career, defeating Max Euwe in a particular meeting and took second place in the tournament in New York, second only to Capablanca. One thing led to another and disputes with the world chess center and crown me as the fourth World Champion. Vasodilation produced by the emotion on his face, not hide the earthy tone of his face due to bad liver that is suffering. As I looked so old-looking, the association of ideas is inevitable and irumpe in mind the much celebrated phrase: "The human mind is limited, but human stupidity is limitless"
is known that its relations with Capablanca are poor and both have avoided. The reason of this enmity are unduly harsh conditions, according Alekhine, Raul had set for anyone who would challenge him. In retaliation, Alekhine refused to accept any request by the Cuban revenge, if not giving the same manner as it had previously required it. To accept the Capablanca rematch asked $ 10,000 to reunite Cuban, the rejected, because the dollar was undervalued and demanded payment in gold. The Interior Minister of England, Sir John Simon opened a tournament in the town of Margate and the Grand Master says that after mentioning the name Capablanca, I left the room immediately, I hear irritated name.
Sir George Thomas says: "Against Alekhine never know what to expect. Against Capablanca know what to expect, but you have no way to prevent it!" It tells the following anecdote about Alekine who traveled by train, in company of two beautiful girls, one's final journey will comment: "you will be a great champion of chess, but checkers is just an apprentice."
He who says the polyglot of Lasker says "Alekhine has grown in combinations. This love with them. When the king of his rivals is not in danger Alekhine played without enthusiasm. His fantasy comes on when your king is in danger "and Aron Nimzowitsch who says:" Alekhine plays with us like a novice! "Nombrársele a word that must be disclosed freely whatever comes in mind. A transcript follows of words, and their answers.
Chess is not a game for me, but an art. Yes, I consider it an art, and I deal with all the obligations that entails. Every chess player outstanding and talented not to have the right, but is required to be considered an artist. With my character was educated chess. The squares taught above all to be objectives. One can become great master in this game only if you recognize your mistakes and shortcomings.
What I appreciate most of our art is the beauty of truth.
As a child I had realized I had a talent for chess cause Russia attended a demonstration at the U.S. blind chess player Harry Nelson Pillsbury.
I do not play chess, chess struggle. Therefore, combined treatment of tactics with strategy, the fantastic with the scientific, combined with the positional, and try to meet the specific demands of each position. For
battle chess is necessary first of all know human nature, understand the psychology of the adversary. Before the parts were fighting against, but we do against our rival become an enemy of his will, against their individual characteristics and on the nerves.
To achieve success requires three factors: first, know your own strengths and weaknesses, and second, find the strength and weaknesses of the opponent, and third, most importantly understand the ultimate goal that the temporary satisfaction. My goal is scientific and artistic achievements that make chess an art. Fantasy
When I play chess, inside me is fighting a strange battle between fantasy on one side and the other sound reasoning. The excess of rational thought or imagination can be equally dangerous. These two forces pulling toward opposite sides, however, must be maintained in harmony. This is what I try to do when I can. However, in my fantasy is dominated. Acts within me more strongly. I have to tame it anyway ... Once the men had to be demigods, otherwise it would not have invented Chess.
Never before, nor will there be a genius as well.
Match Capablanca-Alekine. The
Cuban conditions were collecting $ 10,000 and won the match as that achieved 6 wins. I had not ever been able to beat my heel was 5 and 7 boards in defeat then declare: I do not know how I can win 6 games to Capablanca, but I do not know how I can beat me. The longest match to remember the history of chess, with 34 challenges in 73 days. The success I had in the match with Capablanca should, above all, in my psychological superiority. Capablanca played relying almost exclusively on his extraordinary talent intuitive. In general, one must know the enemy well before you start playing. So the game becomes the gauge of individualism and love itself plays a huge role in the outcome of the game.
Chess is not a game for me, but an art. Yes, I consider it an art, and I deal with all the obligations that entails. Every chess player outstanding and talented not to have the right, but is required to be considered an artist. With my character was educated chess. The squares taught above all to be objectives. One can become great master in this game only if you recognize your mistakes and shortcomings.
What I appreciate most of our art is the beauty of truth.
As a child I had realized I had a talent for chess cause Russia attended a demonstration at the U.S. blind chess player Harry Nelson Pillsbury.
I do not play chess, chess struggle. Therefore, combined treatment of tactics with strategy, the fantastic with the scientific, combined with the positional, and try to meet the specific demands of each position. For
battle chess is necessary first of all know human nature, understand the psychology of the adversary. Before the parts were fighting against, but we do against our rival become an enemy of his will, against their individual characteristics and on the nerves.
To achieve success requires three factors: first, know your own strengths and weaknesses, and second, find the strength and weaknesses of the opponent, and third, most importantly understand the ultimate goal that the temporary satisfaction. My goal is scientific and artistic achievements that make chess an art. Fantasy
When I play chess, inside me is fighting a strange battle between fantasy on one side and the other sound reasoning. The excess of rational thought or imagination can be equally dangerous. These two forces pulling toward opposite sides, however, must be maintained in harmony. This is what I try to do when I can. However, in my fantasy is dominated. Acts within me more strongly. I have to tame it anyway ... Once the men had to be demigods, otherwise it would not have invented Chess.
Never before, nor will there be a genius as well.
Match Capablanca-Alekine. The
Cuban conditions were collecting $ 10,000 and won the match as that achieved 6 wins. I had not ever been able to beat my heel was 5 and 7 boards in defeat then declare: I do not know how I can win 6 games to Capablanca, but I do not know how I can beat me. The longest match to remember the history of chess, with 34 challenges in 73 days. The success I had in the match with Capablanca should, above all, in my psychological superiority. Capablanca played relying almost exclusively on his extraordinary talent intuitive. In general, one must know the enemy well before you start playing. So the game becomes the gauge of individualism and love itself plays a huge role in the outcome of the game.
Queen's Gambit.
We play 32 games, Capablanca and me during the Match.
He said: Alekhine not win either game. Bogoljubow said the result would be 6-3 for Capablanca. But for me I had to Emanuel Lasker, Reti and Tartakower. achieve 6 wins, 25 defeats and 3 tables. Olga
was the second wife of Capablanca she had emigrated from Russia with their parents during the civil war, she briefly married a White Guard officer, also an emigrant, and later married a American athlete who was Olympic champion. Capablanca then was divorced from his first wife. Ever greeted upon entering a lobby. I question - her husband never compliments me when we met and everyone takes note of this. He replied that it was because I had refused to play a return match. Why would you not want to play this match?, Are you perhaps a little scared to play this match? Women Talking Dirty!.
broke his record by playing the blind. I played 28 games at once: 22 wins, 3 tables and 3 losses
his childhood. He attended
chess clubs behind my parents.
chess and chess Aryan Jew in the Pariser Zeitung.
Nothing in these six articles a single word of mine.
Hans Frank, to be bloody invasion of Poland.
I was his friend while he was at that time in the middle of Nazi Germany, refuse to that would have been a true fearlessness, not to say that a suicide. Lme World War II made him lose everything he had earned as a world champion. He is accused
His mother.
Have you heard of Freud and the Oedipus complex?.
I married four times, with older women. and that makes me not no complex frauds! Fritz
Niepoth of Giessen.
A fourteen-year-old beat me in a simultaneous and discuss The guy has played really well!.
Alexander Kotov.
My biographer.
Chess players are welcome.
Blumenfed Benjamin received training and have written for generations "My Best Games."
He said: Alekhine not win either game. Bogoljubow said the result would be 6-3 for Capablanca. But for me I had to Emanuel Lasker, Reti and Tartakower. achieve 6 wins, 25 defeats and 3 tables. Olga
was the second wife of Capablanca she had emigrated from Russia with their parents during the civil war, she briefly married a White Guard officer, also an emigrant, and later married a American athlete who was Olympic champion. Capablanca then was divorced from his first wife. Ever greeted upon entering a lobby. I question - her husband never compliments me when we met and everyone takes note of this. He replied that it was because I had refused to play a return match. Why would you not want to play this match?, Are you perhaps a little scared to play this match? Women Talking Dirty!.
broke his record by playing the blind. I played 28 games at once: 22 wins, 3 tables and 3 losses
his childhood. He attended
chess clubs behind my parents.
chess and chess Aryan Jew in the Pariser Zeitung.
Nothing in these six articles a single word of mine.
Hans Frank, to be bloody invasion of Poland.
I was his friend while he was at that time in the middle of Nazi Germany, refuse to that would have been a true fearlessness, not to say that a suicide. Lme World War II made him lose everything he had earned as a world champion. He is accused
His mother.
Have you heard of Freud and the Oedipus complex?.
I married four times, with older women. and that makes me not no complex frauds! Fritz
Niepoth of Giessen.
A fourteen-year-old beat me in a simultaneous and discuss The guy has played really well!.
Alexander Kotov.
My biographer.
Chess players are welcome.
Blumenfed Benjamin received training and have written for generations "My Best Games."
Bogoljubov Efim.
"Bogolan" a doubled pawn authentic, I mean so big, entitled Siegbert his departure as the game that killed Dr. Tarrasch what betrays its crude humor. It gave the sad fact that in the few days Bogolan - which is the alias he defeated Efim-Tarrasch, who died. Contested the World Championships twice, and both will win. 15.5 to 9.5, and 15.5 to 10.5.
as I had to suffer isolation, having played during the Second World War in Nazi Germany.
Max Euwe.
Who lost the championship play some games the drunk. After you stop drinking and after a period of my physical and mental recovery, recover the title, in the match for revenge.
country that sponsors my meeting with Capablanca.
Another city with which I have A big thanks after my return from Argentina, I received so tremendous.
hypermodern school.
Who lost the championship play some games the drunk. After you stop drinking and after a period of my physical and mental recovery, recover the title, in the match for revenge.
country that sponsors my meeting with Capablanca.
Another city with which I have A big thanks after my return from Argentina, I received so tremendous.
hypermodern school.
"Reti Opening" Ricardo's use against Capablanca and which defeated him. Jose had not lost in eight years. Tartakover call it "opening the future." Reti School and Aaron introduced innovations which, in its time I adhered. Nimzovich was the correspondent for a Dutch newspaper during my match against Bogoljubov and is held in various German cities, at that time Hitler was in power. Honors the memory of Aaron Nimzovich, great artist although sometimes too passionate, but always true and new thinker.
Alekhine Defense.
The use in Budapest proved the validity of it. was mentioned in the Treaty of Allgaier, 1795. It is a bold counterattack that broke with traditional ideas.
has been described as bizarre. Opening
The opening of the center position, end always favor the side that has space superiority.
am Alekhine, chess champion. I do not need a passport.
fascinate me I have one: bug ... bug ... Bisbis bug!, so named Chess. -Cuddling- is a beautiful Siamese, also he has won .... beauty awards.
A Alekhine-Botvinnik match
Alekhine Defense.
The use in Budapest proved the validity of it. was mentioned in the Treaty of Allgaier, 1795. It is a bold counterattack that broke with traditional ideas.
has been described as bizarre. Opening
The opening of the center position, end always favor the side that has space superiority.
am Alekhine, chess champion. I do not need a passport.
fascinate me I have one: bug ... bug ... Bisbis bug!, so named Chess. -Cuddling- is a beautiful Siamese, also he has won .... beauty awards.
A Alekhine-Botvinnik match
I hope soon.
It might be my destiny. Idea and collection
Hood Dr Gabriel Vidal. Bad
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