the player we always try to bring your enemy as tired and miserable to be possible. For bringing him so tight, I tired the force of imagination and will make mistakes.
Segura Ruy Lopez is an accomplished and famous chess player, who enjoys the gambits, the Countergambit and ambushes. It says that years of Ruy López de Segura, are the predominance of English chess in Europe. He has written a treatise, the Book of the invention liberal arts Axedrez game and also one on Latin grammar. Has been the parish priest of Candelaria in Zafra. His parents were merchants to house and shield, his father Hernando López de Segura and his mother Mary Lee originating in Zafra, Spain. Where he was born.
Alonso Me and my brother wanted to be priests as children. He stayed at the end as a cleric in Zafra instead I had several concerns including: the coins and I always liked grammar. It is considered the Bishop of Zamora as World Chess Champion Ruy Lopez tells us that the book that influenced your chess, was the book written by Damiano.
Alonso Me and my brother wanted to be priests as children. He stayed at the end as a cleric in Zafra instead I had several concerns including: the coins and I always liked grammar. It is considered the Bishop of Zamora as World Chess Champion Ruy Lopez tells us that the book that influenced your chess, was the book written by Damiano.
Today is confessor and chief diplomatic messenger of His Majesty Philip II. Lisbon published in my "Latinea Grammaticae Institutions" and when referring to Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas smiles and tells us that Sanchez, as he, is a scholar in grammar. Only our grammatical approaches are different.
Especially all the things you love Italy for two reasons: first, because Rome is a center of European chess and cosmopolitan city because I've beaten the best players in Italy.
has initiated sunset, the sun sinks into the horizon and his eminence recounts an anecdote,
while his fingers play with Torrres hanging from his gold necklace, a gift from his master as a token of friendship: In my capacity as confessor went to visit a prisoner by order of King Philip. The prisoner in question was to be executed at three in the afternoon and this was my intimate friend and a very good chess player, the Duke of Medina Sidonia. When he saw us, we hugged and chatted about various topics and soon engrossed played a game of chess.
while his fingers play with Torrres hanging from his gold necklace, a gift from his master as a token of friendship: In my capacity as confessor went to visit a prisoner by order of King Philip. The prisoner in question was to be executed at three in the afternoon and this was my intimate friend and a very good chess player, the Duke of Medina Sidonia. When he saw us, we hugged and chatted about various topics and soon engrossed played a game of chess.
The voyeurs: the guards, the mayor and even the executioner did not stop commenting on our sets, some say that even crossed stakes. Entertained in the game, we lost track of time. It was then that the chief guard and the executioner tried to disrupt our game, to meet their orders and carry out the execution, at three in the afternoon. The furious Duke to the executioner grabbed the ax while saying: Anyone who attempts to come near him over the head!. we continued our game and after a while the victory corresponded to the Duke and this joy seemed clear the gloomy thoughts and concerns about leaving this earthly world.
All we drove to the place of execution. Medina Sidonia walked vain after his victory, knows a better mood, even to jokes!. At the moment came the king's command, he had pardoned the death penalty. The king found palace intrigue to blame the Duke of acts not committed by him and immediately gave the order of forgiveness, a chess game saved his life.
Asked if he had been won, his head up negotiations. The sun is dying, gives your face, the light of goodness that endures travez the rest of the interview.
He explains to the cleric, chess, grammarian, humanistic, pragmatic, scholar, warrior, the call: father of the openings that nombrársele a word must be disclosed freely whatever comes in mind then the transcript of questions and their answers.
Asked if he had been won, his head up negotiations. The sun is dying, gives your face, the light of goodness that endures travez the rest of the interview.
He explains to the cleric, chess, grammarian, humanistic, pragmatic, scholar, warrior, the call: father of the openings that nombrársele a word must be disclosed freely whatever comes in mind then the transcript of questions and their answers.
Games. The
Games are laudable and should be allowed is also required for human conservation.
With chess is shunned because it is dishonest leisure without loss of dignity. As invention mathematics, science is all set, having nothing of fortune and it's all put on display.
The board represents two armies at war.
Chess players necessarily have to know them, none should be made play without knowing how, that falling into a mistake, will avail to say, I did: because however you say it, by the judges will be condemned. Each is bound to know every thing of the laws and conditions that do not play who do not know the law of the game.
Pawns of the King and queen.
At the start you have to stick to them because the other outlets, players are not wise. Never
player piece for two pawns, but it sounds like a good game, not even three, but can not he come over.
part played piece play.
Playing the part should play it and not say that for not having come off the hand can return to your mailbox, ugly thing certainly is not good jugadores.Todo player is forced to play the part he plays, if not play because of composing or editing.
way to end the game
Mate, King won - when left alone without any other piece, and drowned.
Psychological Warfare.
If, you, you do not care about playing with chess pieces, with others, and if you realize that your enemy has a habit of playing with a notably, the need to play pretend with them, because it is part of disturbing. If it were clear day and the sun, make sure the enemy has to face the sun, because the blind: and if it is dark and I can play with fire, do you have it on the right because it disrupts the hearing, and the right hand that brings across the board, make him shadow, so you do not see where he plays the parts well. Are these the same precautions as in a battle to consider a general, and obviate the inconvenience of dust, sun and wind, which may interfered with the victories, but in chess as in war, the real victory must come over the force error and deception.
"Zafra Child."
Appeals that gave me a child who felt that they excelled at chess.
The Portuguese, published a treatise in Italian whose title is "Questo e da odd book giocare a scachi et de la partite" It contains many openings and endings, complete games, in even a chapter on how to play the mind, I always liked this way of thinking: play of mind, ie the blind. There are also tips for tactical and strategic. I've always had a low opinion of the contents of your book, so I wrote mine.
cockney Term used in street fighting in Rome, in chess for me is a move that is delivering one or two pawns material and in some cases even a horse, in exchange for a position with greater opportunities attack.
Wasting time.
maneuver in any game you should get the desired goal with the fewest possible moves. Make a move without purpose, wasting the opportunity to move, it means wasting time is essential to understand the importance of time factor.
His chess book.
My Book of the invention liberal arts chess game is very useful and helpful for those who would like to learn to play it again, and for those who already know how to play.
Your grammar book.
Grammaticae Roderico Institution to Sigur nuper aeditae López, atq, excellentissimo domino Sebastiano Regidicate foeliciter incipiunt Portugalia A some really long title?
's nickname for Francisco Sanchez Brozas, Grammar, who by the way so as not granted under undeserved fame, wrote in Latin "Rodero Lupino Secure Dente" in reference to my name Rodrigo López de Segura. Translated into English is "safe Roer wolf teeth" We have released another ingenious Shiv. IX
opening of his treatise:, e4, e5 2. cf3, Nc6 3. Opening
AB5 I've heard, and the appointing some Ruy Lopez, which moved me
Leonardo Da Cutri.
Excellent Italian player, studied law in Rome, is very small in stature, he was nicknamed the child. Le platee 2...d6 3.Ac4 c6 4.Cf3 Ag4 Leonardo cayo en la trampa dando tema para una combinación 5.fxe5 dxe5 6.Axf7+ Rxf7 7.Cxe5+ Re8 8.Dxg4 Las blancas tienen ya dos peones de ventaja y posición ganadora. 8...Cf6+ 9.De6 De7 10.Dc8+ Dd8 11.Dxd8+ Rxd8 12.Cf7+ y las negras ante la inminente pérdida de la torre se rinden.
Alcalá de Henares.
Ciudad donde publique mi libro sobre el ajedrez.
Gracia de Toledo.
Un noble caballero que patrocino la edición de mi libro de ajedrez. Además me introdujo en la Corte de Felipe Segundo.
Captura al paso.
Lo he difundido y usado a conveniencia.
Ajedrez a la ciega.
Lo he practicado To successfully play this game requires three things, memory, good practice and exercise. Felipe II
His Majesty is a great sovereign and I hold dear. Very fond of chess. Madrid brought the Italians Leonardo da Cutri, Paolo Cesar Polerio and Tomaso Boi Caputi and my compatriot Alfonso Ceron to participate in what I consider is the first major tournament for the first teachers and see where it has played a King's Gambit.
The winner would be the one to win three games and although he had lost the first two against me, Leonardo won the next three and won the victory. Da Cutri was rewarded with a thousand ducats, an ermine cape and place of birth, for twenty years, will be exempt from paying taxes. Philip II sent her congratulations to Juan de Austria.
English Opening.
I hope that my education is the foundation for the progress of chess.
Paolo Boi.
is an educated person, cheerful and elegant, much appreciated by my king. I still remember the letter he sent to His Majesty Don Juan de Austria: Illustrious Don Juan de Austria, my very dear and beloved brother, our captain-general of the sea. Of the person and Paolo Boi Siracusano services, it will give you, it made me very good relationship and now is wanting to remain close to your person, and so I have wanted to write, and beg, and be entrusted much, as I do, ye will however recommended to promote and hire you on the occasions that he offer my service, that you receive from this particular contentment and illustrious as Don Juan, my beloved brother sea captain general Our Lord in your continued care. Yo el Rey. Cutri Leonardo
. Good chess
Leonardo Paolo and united chess and a life of adventure. Leonardo will tell you once saved his brother from the Saracen pirates chess thanks to winning a bet that he did to the pirate captain, and Paul fell into the hands of a pirate and learn chess, convinced that, to let him play for him. Ganó tales cantidades que el pirata turco, agradecido; le concedió la libertad. Posterior a esta aventura vino a Madrid por invitacion de Felipe II como ya relate a competir conmigo y varios ajedrecistas.
España y ajedrez.
El ajedrez se juega en España mejor que en otras partes, por observarse mejor las propiedades de la milicia, en cuya semejanza esta compuesto este juego.
Felipe II considera que un libro tiene una gran importancia comunicativa. El monarca se ha distinguido por una atención muy especial hacia el tema de las obras impresas y a su control y regulación. Una de sus primeras actividades al llegar al trono fue fundar una Biblioteca Real en Bruselas. La cual ya cuenta with 14.000 thousand volumes, books and manuscripts. The king himself watching carefully they will not stray any copy.
Chess players are welcome! Nothing
focus, as do many players still on the tricks and traps, but in the soundness of the planning of studies that try every player who enters the contest before the game, and warned them to be exercised in every way, we can play.
Idea and collection.
Dr. Gabriel Hood Vidal.
The sources of authority on grammar Rui Lopez de Segura
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