Monday, March 24, 2008

Mamoru Beki Mono Tsuna

Increased retention

is clear that the 45% withholding tax is very high. We do not live in Sweden, where basic services at an acceptable level (health, education, security) are guaranteed by the state. Always taxed little happier, Argentina where underestimate this revenue to pay less is common. We are in times where tensions between sectors become more acute. But it is not unreasonable to think that the most it should be taxed more (progressive taxation).
Unfortunately, whenever there was talk of tax system reform but never held, nor was discussed (although be aware from the constitutional reform of 1994) a new system of Federal Revenue Sharing.
Nobody likes to reach into his pocket, but taxes have a strictly redistributive, remove a part that has the most, to ensure the welfare of neglected and excluded from the system. The problem is factual, this redistribution does not occur effectively. Based on this assumption, the solution a complex question: Does the State fails to collect taxes? Do we pay for them? Logic suggests that we reach the same conclusion: who else has, the more you pay.
But in a country where VAT is exorbitant (even the basic food products), with a tax burden without predecentes, taxes and profits which are highly regressive logic, growing inflation, it is logical that the sectors struggle on their part. If he had wanted to give true meaning progressive, you might have established a scheme where small producers, the real losers of this measure directly with a reduction in aliquot.
Another point is incredibly public agenda is withholding calls are not part of co-participation funds, so that the National Treasury accounts are thickened without the provinces like Santa Fe, contributing billions do not receive any funds, nor any consideration such as good roads, infrastructure, or compensation. To this we add that these funds are allocated at the discretion of the government.
The omnipotence of the present power, does not delve into strategic policy, punishing sectors like dairy and livestock, which they see as output up their estates and soybean planting (thus compromising the future stock).
In conclusion, this increase in taxes hurts small producers, paving the way for the concentration of production in fewer hands, is not fair, and tensions high in a sector that is tired of confiscating their profits ( although they are historical and overtime) and that was a fundamental pillar of economic growth in recent years, and certainly in those to come. Cristian Bergmann


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