Monday, December 17, 2007

Cirrhosis Of The Liver

The Moral Midget Nation

by Cristian Bergmann

is within, hidden, ready to act.
He walks, breaking early individualist like few others, does not mind stepping on the head of his neighbor or family member to maximize their profits. Not taxed to the State, because he says that will not return in services. Poor
employees when they learn they can not have a decent pension, as the "dwarf" has not made employer contributions concerned. Also please do not get sick because they do not have social work will have to pay out of pocket expenses remedies.
The moral dwarf Nation does not distinguish between laws, ordinances, regulations. He is the law, and if not, adjusts to your needs.
His folly lets you see without experiencing exclusion and helplessness in him any sense of pity, compassion, empathy. The blame always the others have. Suffice it to say that no his hand to the poor, the maelstrom of everyday life did not allow it.
The bribe is the instrument used, which brazenly used to circumvent the law, and who should enforce it.
Walks in political and lobbyist for causes is not very clear, thereby seeking to increase their power and their cut.
not vote for several years, as many have fallen into discredit politicians after several unfulfilled hopes and also know that voting is a right, the ultimate democratic tool, our main weapon to counter the excesses of those who circumstantially , in power. Blasphemous
imploring that the poor have to "kill all" because they want to work, unaware that poverty and exclusion is a structural problem in the country, since the choice of life was not excluded marginality adding to this the burden of supporting daily emotional deprivation, economic, educational, housing deficits, and neglected their health care. Also omitted if born in this reality and with these limitations could have done little out of it.
The moral midget asphyxiation our destiny, paralyzes, slows. Steadily regresses
and reproduces faster pace. Eradication
this character of society, is the remaining task is our task. Arduous and progressive, a battle without respite. The story plays against us but the hope of seeing a better country, with law-abiding people, the ideas of others, one's word has to encourage us to undertake this venture, which is far from impossible.


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