reflexionesdesdeellab erintoyunaauto - impuestasoledad
Let's see, much ado about nothing people. Today is the famous bicentennial and God and the world know what we are apathetic to celebrate since according to the historical perspective the reasons for party must be minimized to reality. And what is that reality? Poverty and insecurity are the two words that immediately appear. But does that is our only reality there? To polarize the country thus far left out.
For those who have had the opportunity to live outside of Mexico that actually takes more nuanced. Usually we can get out of the country do if the first world and hence our comparisons and dissatisfaction start making a mistake are too obvious. However, reaffirming the concept of current reality, our context should focus on portraying ourselves within our historical context which is in Latin America. I was lucky enough to live in several countries in Central and South America, where poverty and insecurity far exceed ours, as well as lack of education and culture. Funny how these countries turn around to see Mexico as a model, perhaps this is because we are the playground of the United States and across our tropicalization with gringo. If we have problems with our national identity, trust me we are much better off in this issue that some of our continental neighbors, the Mexicans just like we throw ourselves on the ground to see if anyone takes the trouble to get up.
Abogo, to the extent possible, without ingenuity, because we try to leave that heaviness that seems more pose than conviction. In this country there is war, people are not starving in the streets, we are free to profess our beliefs and historical traumas. Yes, there are killings, inequality, drug trafficking, corruption, etc.. But what in the world is free from this? This is to balance our state of law, in the end we do not think so poorly delivered.
is not shouting Viva Mexico to the asshole. Nor is it to shout to the world that we remain the Malinche raped. Or think that just complain about things will change. We are privileged in many respects, I mention only two: our culture, so intricate and profound, and our natural territory, rich and diverse. In the end I think most of the Mexicans, with or without complaint, take your shots of tequila and girt - Viva Mexico! - In complete ignorance of where we are compared to the world and ourselves, in a general discontent but deep eager to scream, no matter if it's pride or to reproach him world and ourselves the great farce that is life, and here we will have broken borders. We are a young country still, but no longer young, will have to catch up on the circumstances.
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