Saturday, May 8, 2010

Maintaining An Aluminum Boat

s a l m a n

A whole new idea, Mahound, is asked two questions. The first, while still weak, WHAT KIND OF IDEA ARE YOU? Are you the kind that compromises or enters, is molded into society, find a good position and try to survive, or you're the kind of notion crossed resentenced and beast, intractable and rigid prefer split before bowing to the wind? The kind of idea that almost invariably, ninety-nine times out of hundred, is crushed, but which a hundred, you change the world?
"What is the second question?" Gibreel asked aloud.
Before answering the first.

[...] And now, Mahound, on his return to Jahili, it's time to the second question: How do you behave when you beat?

[Taken from 'The Satanic Verses' by Salman Rushdie]

much this short novel tells the adventures and misadventures that happen to the divine message from the gods or goddesses or communicate this message to your messenger angel, the angel the prophet, the prophet to write until he reaches the people.

In this communication process the message is transformed into what is known as the "phone decomposed, where Shaitan involved at all levels, confusing the angel, the prophet and the scribe. Shaytaan may be passed by the messenger angel against the prophet, or Sahita can attack the memory of the prophet and may even be tempted to write for you write your message as you please. The confusion is such that ultimately the divine verses are so demonized that it is virtually impossible to find out what part of the message is the divine and which part is the satanic, or even whether some part of the received message has some "divine truth". The people, the great mass obedient, gets the message, whatever it is, and believe it blindly, unable see if it is right or not, because people would never dare to question the message, the dogma of faith by definition is blind.

And that is the great foundation of the great religions that now dominate the world. Personally

cause me very tenderly chiefs of fundamentalist religions putting a price on Rushdie's head for daring to write a novel with all this gossip theology. Innocent people who believe in God, the messenger angel, the prophet, Shaitan and obvious, in the mentioned message.


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