Deposited chess pieces in a hat, shaken and from a height of two feet, drops them on the board and we have a position in the Steinitz
- Henry Bird, Bohemian Caesar
Wilhelm, William Steinitz (having lived five years in New York, legally changed his name from Wilhelm to William) Steinitz is known to apply a scientific approach to the game of chess. Formulated a theory, terms and laws for the science game. Steinitz was born into a Jewish family in Prague, Bohemia. He is the youngest of thirteen children. Steinitz was very young moved to Vienna, Austria. Remember says his native Bohemia surrounded by low mountains. Tears in his eyes peek remembering the beautiful river Elbe.
Steinitz is an old man, weak hair, use a beard. His eyes are expressive despite his poor eyesight. It is robust, short stature, short legs, use a cane and limping walk. The interview was given in the backyard, he likes to be barefoot. William's character is strong, explosive. In his hands is a mechanical device that gives the appearance of a silver snuff box. Noting my curiosity about the case, Steinitz explained that it is a gift that you gave in Russia is an invention for a phone call. Answer the questions angry has been called the most unpopular player in the world. I ask the teacher during his youth Morphy guess he heard from the American chess player, and his tour of Europe,
A terrible expression on her face Morphy, Morpyh!. I've been attacked here in America for telling the truth, to point out defects in the part of Paul that many people had high regard I am picky and I'm not easily pleased, but what one should not be when you hear often superficial judgments where should be a thorough analysis? Do not be a worry if you see that the old methods still apply not only to prevent disturbance of the own comfort? ... Unfortunately, some see criticism as an enemy, rather than a guide to truth. But nobody ever depart the road leading to the truth.
I keep tell me that when he lived in Vienna, signed some of his writings as the "Austrian Morphy." Today
Steinitz lives in New York, has moved to the United States and has acquired American citizenship. It is said that migrated in a dispute with the director of the magazine "The Field", although other sources show that he did by his desire to deal with Paul Morphy, with whom he has had several interviews in New Orleans. Morphy has not agreed to play with Steinitz, and his decision to retire from chess apparently is irrevocable. Their reasons go even further, he admitted come to hate the game that brought him much fame due to the strong pressure he received from the conservative society of his hometown, New Orleans, not frowned upon one of citizens lose their time on something as irrelevant as chess.
William Steinitz, a former swimmer, now is sick and deplorable economic conditions. During the conversation, comes to mind an anecdote from his youth. The world champion was playing in a cafe gambling with other people. A mediocre chess player would challenge him every day, but always lost. This represented a steady income to Steinitz. One day a friend told him to stop champion to win his "client" from time to time so you do not become discouraged and to continue challenging him and paying him. Steinitz took the advice, started with a bad opening, the lady pulled out early and after a few plays his opponent caught him so the lady left Steinitz. After that this unknown player ever to challenge him again, Steinitz lost income insurance.
has been the oldest champion in history and apparently the poorest. Before you begin the official championships of the world, a curious incident occurred at a ceremony witnessed by many chess masters of the time: a member of royalty praised the virtues of the game and proposed a toast to "the best player in the world" Three stood up chess: Steinitz, Blackburne and Zukertort. You
studying engineering, moody answers: Yes, I was good at math. Study the early years. At that time, the school met the Austrian Ernst Falkbeer. Perhaps aware that his gambit against juice against Andersen. It was he who introduced me to the world of chess pieces. As I lived in poverty, played in pubs for money. There is always an anxiety in relying on such poor financial situation in chess. If I tell him what medical spending!
In the city of Vienna participate in a chess tournament championship and made me come but my international career started in London and I stayed there for quite some time.
At this time you will be considered a strong and creative player combined with spectacular attacks the king. The attack on the king at all costs. A terse actually takes me to the following question: In London, you played a game very Mongredien discussed with one of the rivals of Morphy Yes, it was. At that time we had several chess worth: Anderssen, Paulsen, Owen, MacDonnell and Dubois in London I must confess that I never felt comfortable in that social context, despite the years that I resided in England. I was a abroad for 20 years. I've never been bound by social norms of others.
in London is said that you met Lord Randolph Churchill. After a terse yes, add one can say that I was his tutor. The great entertainment of Lord Randolph in Oxford, was chess, and soon acquired for an amateur, very skilled at playing the game. Participated in a simultaneous blind offered. Of course I also met at the home of Randolph, who later became his wife, Jennie Jerome American.
Why change the way they play? I realized that you can not win a game at will. The desire to win is not imposed on a party analyze various concepts about the attack, defense, and plan variations, the tactical weaknesses, the accumulation of benefits amongst other information. That gave way to write: The Modern Chess Instructor. That stated the general principles of chess strategy based on the fact that each position has its own characteristics that must be taken into account in drafting the game plan. The evaluation of position - that is, taking into account all pros and cons I think that is the foundation of a successful plan. I know that many combinations of attacks were successful only because of an imperfect defense. The attack must be well grounded, resulting from the continued accumulation of small advantages. I set the real value of the chess pieces depends on their interaction within the pawn position, strong and weak fields. Steinitz
Zukertort confronted, this tournament is considered the first official world chess. The match was played in New York, S. Louis and New Orleans. Steinitz won the first game but then lost four in a row. At the end Steinitz won with a score of 10 wins, 5 losses and 5 tables.
William is a very serious nature, irascible, its relations with other chess players have always been strained James Henry Blackburne was faced in Paris to Steinitz and unpleasant event occurred before the game Steinitz spat, which Zukertort take it as a personal insult and lunged against William beat him. Not without saying that James had the strong temper and a huge ego trip.
Steinitz is controversial in nature. In his autobiography physicist Joseph Popper (Popper is a brilliant engineer and a wonderful writer. It is an outstanding personality. He insisted that society is responsible for the fate of all its members. Freud by referring to Popper said, "is clearly outlined in my eyes the image of a simple man who is a great thinker and a critic, while a kindly philanthropist and a reformer) mentions that Steinitz considered the greatest talent he had oonocido in life. Popple admirer of Mozart, like Steinitz, did not understand and polemics with Wuilliam's because musical tastes had changed to Wagner. The chess calficaba to the music of Wagner's particularly beautiful, relegating Mozart, commenting that it was patently inferior. One day
Steinitz was playing on the "Wiener Schachclub" a few games with a violinist. When he said goodbye, very late at night, said he would leave the next morning to Bayreuth Steinitz said, "Then you will see Richard Wagner. I pray that you say, that I, like world chess champion, I am valued more highly than Mozart and Beethoven - I regard his music as the apex of art! "
Another similar meeting was Steinitz days later then immediately asked if Wagner had sent to his words. His partner nodded, "Yes, and Wagner said: Its Steinitz understand both music and chess me!"
Steinitz is said that aggressiveness is intellectualized. Combat in the board battle in magazines, discussed with friends and suffers from anxiety and insomnia. That said I've always been razed to conflicts that tempered my fighting spirit. Attempt to convince the teacher to answer the stimulus words and answer what comes to mind. He only
Chess Chess is intellectual gymnastics. Chess is not for timid souls. A win by an unsound combination, however showy, fills me with horror art. Chess is so inspiring that I do not think that a good player is capable of having an evil thought during the game.
I was the first to publicly defend being a chess professional. There is nothing to be ashamed. I have always fought against moral criticism
Henry Bird.
One of the strongest representatives of the Romantic school of chess in front of him I was an uneven match because he had no chance to the strength of my game.
French Defense.
I've never played in my life the French defense, which is the dullest of all openings.
Only the player with the initiative has the right to strike. When you have an advantage, he is obliged to attack, otherwise it risks losing the advantage.
Cambridge. I
chess tutor Cambridge Randolph Churchill and start the chess matches between Cambridge and Oxford.
The modern school Tarrasch begins with me and continued. Die moderne schachapartie He published "The modern chess" with my theoretical
That's me. I started from the idea that any plan must have a reason, an evaluation of the position. So consider the structure and dynamics of the game, its various elements so with conscientious Study the structure of the pawn. I noticed that they determine the strength or weakness and the dynamic potential of a position, I learned to create a strong position to repel an unjustified attack
My principles are the strong core, weak boxes, the bad bishop, the game against the pawns weak, the two bishops, and to develop and make permanent the advantage. Showed that it is wrong to attack before the equilibrium position has been vitally altered and this is achieved should not hesitate to attack or be resigned to losing the lead, the defense against the English opening was another idea of \u200b\u200bmine
In my second defeat was a blow Lasker Why have I been beaten so sad? First, because Lasker is the best player I've ever known, and possibly the largest ever. Three Cheers for the new champion!
the attack.
To successfully attack the castle, besides having superiority in the flank, should have control of the center or at least the center should be blocked to not allow the central reaction of the adversary. A premature attack is defended by fighting back flank in the center and vice versa. An attack often leave the wrong balance a fatal weakening pawn in the end. Defense
The art of defense is the economy of means, so the best defense is a piece of lesser value: the pawn. Since the pawn can not go back, progress must be very careful. The recklessness can create serious and permanent weakness. You have to watch the pawn structure throughout the game, overlooking the final.
The plan and the variants.
The strategy is the planning and tactics is the exact order of the plays are inseparable issues. A mistake in chess, ie, commit an uncertainty that creates a weakness may be primarily strategic or tactical in nature. Strategic weaknesses are structural weaknesses "of the position of the pawns, weak etc boxes. general and permanent weakness. Eest King sometimes including parts exposed and immobilized.
weaknesses are temporary tactical weaknesses, such as a piece "in the air," poorly defended, laborers or exhibits a double attack, key, threats discovered, the king without a castle, etc. Overall strategic weaknesses are difficult to resolve in a few moves and their consequences are felt long period during the game. Tactical weaknesses can be resolved but must happen now, rather than instead use the advantage.
Evans Gambit.
The news appeared in the New York Sun: "Steinitz had just announced that it has discovered a perfect defense for Evans Gambit." It was a different era!
tournament in Vienna.
Achieve 16 straight victories. Even vemcĂ to: Paulsen, Anderssen, and Blackburne.
At that time I was very young I remember having sacrificed a rook.
wryly comments: I think your decision tree was in the trees and shrubs of the English plantations. "Referring to the title Augusto Mongredien book: Master of chess, political writer and economist
As a game lead in the middle game.
Building a strong position. Almost exclusive use of closed openings No sacrifices and flashy moves generally lacking strength changes frugality pieces and pawns Prevalence of attacks or long preparation slow accumulation of small advantages. Highlighted the advantage of the bishop on the horse power. Formation of weaknesses in the enemy camp and using them. Weaknesses, examples: a doubled pawn or isolated part Interclue, isolated piece. The attack was not directed only the flank where he is the king. Ensure the final victory it is indispensable to have a strong preparation in the final.
Haha haha, yeah Epstein a banker. In a set of game very annoying Epstein said: Young man, beware!, Do not you know who you're talking about?, I was not expecting my answer, by the look on his face. This was, I know well, you're Epstein, but in chess Epstein me. Ha ha ha ha.
The Italian school.
founded by Ercole del Rio in 1750 was attached great importance to rapid development of the pieces in order to launch lightning attacks against the rival castle. This school Andersen belonged.
Anderssen. Anderssen
met in London when representing Austria in a tournament. He won fair and I got sixth place. He was someone who appreciates. He along with Johannes Zukertort began publishing chess magazine Deutsche Schachzeitung in Berlin. You
proclaimed four years later: World Champion.
course I deserved it I think beating Anderssen ends with the Romantic era and was declared World Champion.
Lasker, Tarrasch.
Somehow my students
Our relations have never been cordial, he I did not recognize as legitimate world champion. Then dispute with him a match for the title and triumph over Austria, with a score of 7-0. To his credit I must say it made an interesting suggestion that the items were not so long: include hourglasses in the games. Immediately in all tournaments this innovation was introduced, Blackburne have played 200,000 games.
Zukertort. Johannes
Zukertort was most prominent disciple Anderssen.
- Match against Zukertort
This was the first official match for the World Championship began in the United States. It must be said that the room was less than 40 people. The first part of the tournament took place New York, winning four games a player, the event will move to San Luis, until one of them win three games. And the final would be played New Orleans. The winner would be the first to reach ten wins. Let me tell you that the first stage Zukertort took me four games to one. In St. Louis as equals. of course I complain of the hotspots of the board that my application changed to black and canary-colored. In New Orleans finally scored ten victories. The match lasted 11 weeks. Zukertort returned to England and died two years later.
You also had as a title challenger and Cunsberg Tchigorin
Yes and a genius of chess practical considers it a privilege every opportunity that presents itself to challenge the principles of modern chess theory. Isidor Gunsberg: a young man made a living sitting in a chess-playing automaton, the machine "Mephisto" This mechanism was created by Charles Godfried Gumpel, a manufacturer of prosthetic limbs. Public exhibitions held at Bird, Blackburne and others. Isidor is a strong chess player, he won at Blackburn, he played against me for the World Championship. I played in New York. It was the first that the loser was also given the prize. Escibio on chess for a while in the London Daily News.
Chess players are welcome.
Haha ha ha I am the first great systematic thinker in Chess. I have been the best chess teacher from Filidoro. I wrote in the Figaro, the New York Tribune New York Herald. Edit the international chess magazine, wrote a book on the New York International tournament, scoring each of the 432 items. In the book on modern chess instructor, I analyze some openings and write a long introduction, explaining some of my theories of chess by the way I am about to write the second part. As soon improve for some ailments. Someone once asked me: if pursued fame. I said I could do without it, but not the tournament prize money ha ha Who said that ha ha! Losing
throne. Twice
lost the match for the championship of the world with the young Lasker I confess that I was completely broken and depressed I would not win again. Slightly exceed the conflict by defeating Kurt von Bardeleben, that being flamboyant and eccentric. I remember not leaving the game, but the room-and laughs-I with white 1.Txe7 + Kf8 [1 ... Qxe7 2.Txc8 +, 1 ... Rxe7 2.Te1 + Kd6 3.Db4 4.Tc1 + Rb8 + Kc7 5 . DF4 + Rc7 6.Ce6] 2.Tf7 + Kg8 3.Tg7 + Kh8 4.Txh7 + at this point leaving the audience showed him the final 4 ... Kg8 5.Tg7 + Kh8 [5 ... Kf8 6.Ch7 +] 6 . Qh4 + Kxg7 7.Dh7 + Kf8 8.Dh8 + Ke7 9.Dg7 + Ke8 10.Dg8 + Ke7 11.Df7 12.Df8 + + Kd8 Qe8 13.Cf7 + Rd14.Dd6 # played masterfully to a cash prize of beauty got this game was a gem. Calculate a mate in fourteen moves!
know these days, it occurred to me that I can give you an extra pawn in a hypothetical match against him.
Anderssen, Karl Ernst Adolf, 1818-1879.
Chigorin, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1850-1908. Chigorin, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1850-1908.
Lasker, Emanuel, 1868-1941. Lasker, Emanuel, 1868-1941.
Lynkeus Popper, Josef, 1838-1921. Lynkeus Popper, Josef, 1838-1921.
Steinitz, William, 1836-1900. Steinitz, William, 1836-1900.
Zukertort, Johann Hermann, 1842-1888. Zukertort, Johann Hermann, 1842-1888.
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