Towards an entrepreneurial economy, inclusive and sustainable
By Cristian Bergmann
"The only constant is change" Heraclitus
Making an analysis of current economic scenario we can think about the fall of old assumptions. Cobra relevant notorious assertion that the economy must truly serve society in a framework of strict moral and ethical rules governing the behaviors that arise in the market.
analyzing reality from a micro perspective, entrepreneurial activity has a great opportunity to become a critical success factor in the economies around the world. Innovation, flexibility and ability to seize opportunities entrepreneurs can make it a mainstay in the revival of a global economic system now in recession.
The breakdown of these paradigms provides a great opportunity for the development of a more just society, either from the quantitative point of view of national income and output, as the qualitative aspect concerning the realization of man as a tool for transformation and wealth generation. Dignified work and helps the person to the real economy.
Global Markets
"The future success depends on our decisions today and no decisions will be neither successful nor future
Globalization facilitates the integration of territories, cultures, economies and this is a reality that no markets are exempt. In this way it acquires another regional significance, not less but different. The markets are in a process of internationalization and horizontal integration of companies driven by strategic alliances and collaborative by leaps and bounds. In this sense there are infinite possibilities opened by the fluid geographical intercom. Thanks to this increased flow of information, goods and people, can be accomplished with relative ease penetration into international markets. Global opportunities that open, driven by entrepreneurial activity, enable this integration.
volatility in economies that goes in crescendo and becomes an endemic feature, the entrepreneur provides the flexibility to adapt to change, to shorten its structure and weather the storm, to diversify the products or services offered; remarkable ability to acquire relevant nowadays. As it pertains to the productive sector, good corporate governance, creativity and innovation are critical factors for development-and growth-not only in an economy.
is imperative the need for joint projects. In that sense, the associative of people and companies shows some advantages: greater bargaining power with suppliers, better prices on inputs, joint marketing strategies between a group of small producers, machinery sharing, joint technology developments, know- how and to the development of coordinated trade.
Young entrepreneurs are to the advantage of greater open-mindedness and flexibility for scheme to internalize the win / win, handled by Stephen Covey in his best-seller "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People."
Interestingly, the contribution of Monica Martinez Adriana Liendo and
entrepreneurial activity as an opportunity for personal development
"There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: will "Albert Einstein
50% of technical and process innovations from entrepreneurial activity. This number increases to 95% in the case of disruptive technologies or radical innovations. Joseph Schumpeter, Austrian economist, argues in his book " Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy" that "the role of entrepreneurs is to reform or revolutionize the pattern of production by exploiting an invention or an untried technical possibility to produce a new product or an old one new way, or provide a new source of inputs or a new material, or reorganizing an industry. Such activities are responsible for recurrent primary prosperity that revolutionizes the economic organism " 2
For any of the social sectors whether or not qualified, there are many paths that may be because the economy has a broad range of unmet needs. This process requires attention to detect when it is possible to transform a physical or natural human being, a viable economic opportunity. The essential condition for the process to be successful is to take the initiative
It must needs be comparative advantages pertaining to geography, natural resources and human resource training, to transform them into tangible competitive strengths. The wealth of a country is not determined by the resources it has, but by the ability to transform the reality of resources productively.
The role of the state and the third sector in promoting the entrepreneurial culture
"There are successful companies in societies that fail"
can not ignore the importance of government, universities and so-called "third sector" - formed foundations and non-governmental organizations as key actors in promoting entrepreneurship.
worth noting the case of business incubators, a program that takes place at universities and technology centers across the country, which offers a conducive environment for entrepreneurs to generate economic projects and social. The goal of these programs is to create a network among professionals, entrepreneurs and public and private stakeholders to provide tools to facilitate implementation of projects with high added value.
Interestingly the Italian experience a strong culture dominated SME. In that country are very deep-called clusters or industrial districts, a sort of territorial agglomeration of industries, vertical and horizontal relationships due to the integration of input suppliers and establish strategic alliances between companies in the same sector. Thus the easy availability of inputs and production factors reduces transaction costs and barriers to entry, and competition increases competition in product innovation is one of the main engines of growth and competitiveness.
associative cooperative efforts and plans for synergy between public and private sector have given successful results in the fight to include those to which the circumstances were relegated system. NGOs bring a dynamic and flexible management that lacks the state. They can therefore be established as agents and evaluators of projects by their management capacity. It is also necessary that the State provide lines of credit and grant fund for these projects to facilitate its implementation running.
The economic crisis in the United States revived an old argument about the importance of state action in regulating the markets and the need for wealth generation has close relation to production and not strictly speculative. However, it is important to avoid short-sighted and extremely ideologized readings that take away objectivity to the analysis. There should be an unfounded prosecution, for example in respect of capital markets that make a significant contribution to the flow of credit needed for economic growth
The sustainability of an economy is determined by the real possibility of providing opportunities over time to all citizens. To the extent that this is not met, continue attending incomplete achievements of the capitalist system. In this regard, initiatives such as valid
All citizens have a moral commitment to make every effort to break exclusion, historical debt
1 "Associativity. An alternative for the development and growth of SMEs, "Mr. Lien and Mr. Adriana Monica Martinez, November 2001.
2 "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Joseph Alois Schumpeter 1942.
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