political, military and American Jewish presidents:
His second last name, mother's maiden name, is Jewish-Israeli
are protected by the Jews-Zionists of Israel and the U.S.
and other sectarian Jews, although some of them have betrayed to the Zionists.
Only those whose Jewish name was chosen to study maternal and Socialism in Cuba or Europe.
They gave scholarships when they were in college in high school, when they were young.
USA's current president, Barack Hussein Obama, is also a
protected Islamist Jewish-Zionist Jews, Israelis and others ...
heman Raul Castro and Fidel Castro Ruz are the Jews of the Sephardic sect, posing as "SOCIALIST" millions have been trained in Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Central America, Asia, Europe, Spain, Africa,
the Caribbean, so turning them into atheists, homosexuals, liars and murderers.
Read about the destruction they have caused throughout America and other parts of the world these Jewish haters of Jesus Christ and how they are out to steal Christians, Catholics and against people of other religions, faiths, philosophies and ideologies around the world, how they use lies, slander and stealthily and discreet murder. They call themselves "Socialists."
The Cuban regime's genocidal murderer, Fidel Castro continues Sephardic Jewish killings, lies and theft throughout the Caribbean, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Central America through the godless red Sandinistas (FSLN ) to Nicaragua led by Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Jewish by the guerrillas of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation in El Salvador (FMLN). They wear civilian clothes and their preferred system of murder is poisoning the food and drinks.
atheists are terrorists who hate the Bible, its laws, mandates and advice. They do not care to hurt their fellow man. not respect the 10 commandments of the Law of God, (the following link or link only opens the Internet Explorer windows Microsot):
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http://es.geocities.com/eleazarcarvajal/mentiras. html
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Remember that if by clicking on a link, connection or link does not open, wait 5 seconds and click again, and if not open, copy and paste the link in the address bar same Internet Explorer 7 windows. If it still does not open, copy and paste the link into the address bar of another browser or browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Opera Internet browser can download it free. Links or links (links) with the format (. Mht) only open to Internet Explorer 7 for Windows (IE7). With the new Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 (test is a browser and can cause difficulties) with him either open the link. Use Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft (IE7). Never revealed in secret info:
"Whoever is not with me is against me and not gather with me scatters "- Jesus Christ in the New Testament of the Bible:
"Whoever is not with me is against me and not gather with me scatters "- Jesus Christ in the New Testament of the Bible:
" Cursed is the man trusting another man and not God and is supported by an arm of flesh miserable "- Lord God, In the book of Prophet Isaiah Old Testament of the Bible
"really a man's foes shall be of your own home ..." - Jesus Christ, Mt 10:36, NT .
" Cursed is the man trusting another man and not God and is supported by an arm of flesh miserable "- Lord God, In the book of Prophet Isaiah Old Testament of the Bible
"really a man's foes shall be of your own home ..." - Jesus Christ, Mt 10:36, NT .
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