Who played chess ... Aaron Nimzowitch. Those who played chess ...
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Nimzowitch Aaron learned chess at age 8 his father - the holder of a vast culture, poet and chess player - Aaron is a native of Riga city as part of his reputation is chess, was the scene of his first skirmishes.
Moving to Germany watching the game Schlechter, Maroczy, Tchigorin, Marshall and Janowski and playing with other kids as Spielmann, Vidmar, Duras, Bernstein, Tartakover, Rubinstein gives you the experience that all young chess player craves.
stay in Ostend half a point behind the winners Rubinstein and Bernstein. In that involved more than 29 ecuentro ajedecistas. Also was a fine performance in Carlsbad, where he tied for fourth and fifth with Schlechter. Then went to San Sebastian - the same tournament in which Capablanca made his debut, winning the competition.
stay in Ostend half a point behind the winners Rubinstein and Bernstein. In that involved more than 29 ecuentro ajedecistas. Also was a fine performance in Carlsbad, where he tied for fourth and fifth with Schlechter. Then went to San Sebastian - the same tournament in which Capablanca made his debut, winning the competition.
Which actually try Cuban Aaron, not jugase.
Nimzowitch tied for fifth, sixth and seventh with Schlechter and Tarrasch veterans, the following year, tied with Marshall and Spielman. The finalists in the last round, he and Rubinstein.
this outcome's defeat to Aaron Rubinstein, Tarrasch wrote "Nimzowitch has an absolute preference for ugly opening moves so that Rubinstein, who always juega con buen gusto, le rebatió concienzudamente, porque hubiera sido realmente un escándalo si el juego antiestético hubiera sido coronado con el primer premio"
A lo que Aaron respondió en la columna de ajedrez del diario berlinés: "El Dr. Tarrasch publico mi partida contra Rubinstein, acompañándola con glosas encaminadas a despreciar mi manera de jugar ante el público. No hace falta que se esté de acuerdo con mi interpretación del juego de ajedrez, pero una crítica tan exagerada y transfigurada del mismo debe provocar una respuesta enérgica. Expresiones como ‘fea’ y ‘asquerosa’ manera de jugar y consideraciones similares, muestra del ataque de rabia furibundo de un annotator aims to copy, are unworthy. And it seems as if Dr. T. I would like to get back at me in this way by theoretical fiasco in option 3. e5 .(...) My game against Rubinstein decided the honor of first place and a prize of 2,500 Frs. Because they are understandably nervous, I played well below my level. Dr. Tarrasch shut this and thus builds a misperception of my game that should outrage for his injustice to the experts. "And so, both players were so nervous that first and then Nimzowitch Rubinstein, missed a mate in two plays.
called Nimzowitch
Tarrasch gambit player, also said: "Although Mr. Nimzovich follow their own paths in the openings, this is not convenient for the public ". The First World War suspended the work of Aaron, resumed in Nordic countries at war's end. It was then that his theory was adopted by the Swiss master. concerning publication of his book My System in German and English is grateful for the great popularity that the content of the work has had and the interest it has aroused. The mention what was said by the Master Alapin: "This new way of playing escapes I believe "only smiles.
A lo que Aaron respondió en la columna de ajedrez del diario berlinés: "El Dr. Tarrasch publico mi partida contra Rubinstein, acompañándola con glosas encaminadas a despreciar mi manera de jugar ante el público. No hace falta que se esté de acuerdo con mi interpretación del juego de ajedrez, pero una crítica tan exagerada y transfigurada del mismo debe provocar una respuesta enérgica. Expresiones como ‘fea’ y ‘asquerosa’ manera de jugar y consideraciones similares, muestra del ataque de rabia furibundo de un annotator aims to copy, are unworthy. And it seems as if Dr. T. I would like to get back at me in this way by theoretical fiasco in option 3. e5 .(...) My game against Rubinstein decided the honor of first place and a prize of 2,500 Frs. Because they are understandably nervous, I played well below my level. Dr. Tarrasch shut this and thus builds a misperception of my game that should outrage for his injustice to the experts. "And so, both players were so nervous that first and then Nimzowitch Rubinstein, missed a mate in two plays.
called Nimzowitch
Tarrasch gambit player, also said: "Although Mr. Nimzovich follow their own paths in the openings, this is not convenient for the public ". The First World War suspended the work of Aaron, resumed in Nordic countries at war's end. It was then that his theory was adopted by the Swiss master. concerning publication of his book My System in German and English is grateful for the great popularity that the content of the work has had and the interest it has aroused. The mention what was said by the Master Alapin: "This new way of playing escapes I believe "only smiles.
When introduced its Defence Nimzo Nimzovich, Tarrasch said it was" horrible "what Nimzovich replied: "The beauty of the plays not in appearance but in the thoughts that lie behind them." your imagination are the Nimzovich Defense, Nimzo-Indian Defense, Opening Nimzovich.
His theories, innovations and groundbreaking game lines in the Nimzo-Indian Defense, Attack, French, Sicilian Defense, Caro-Kann Defense, Defense Nimzowitch, Nimzowitch Attack, Defense, Danish and other openings, have enriched the game. mentioned: chess Rescue of pride Tarrasch. I returned the charm and enjoyment of chess. Nimzowitch clean your lenses,
parsimony and good humor tells us that the first items on your system, published in a journal, only gave rise to the irony, it was said that I had invented a system to hide my ignorance in the theory of Chess.
His theories, innovations and groundbreaking game lines in the Nimzo-Indian Defense, Attack, French, Sicilian Defense, Caro-Kann Defense, Defense Nimzowitch, Nimzowitch Attack, Defense, Danish and other openings, have enriched the game. mentioned: chess Rescue of pride Tarrasch. I returned the charm and enjoyment of chess. Nimzowitch clean your lenses,
parsimony and good humor tells us that the first items on your system, published in a journal, only gave rise to the irony, it was said that I had invented a system to hide my ignorance in the theory of Chess.
His smile rejuvenates your face, which gives way to remember the following anecdote: Playing with Maroczy Nimzowitch, the latter took out a cigarette and put it on the table. Nimzowitch protested to the referee, Vidmar, and he was told that Maroczy was not smoking, but Nimzowitch added: You are a teacher and knows that the threat is stronger than the execution!.
explains the theory is that a word must be mentioned nombrársele free form what come to mind to questions. Following is the transcript of questions and answers.
My System.
One of my books, the others being: The practice of my system and Lock. Our age is characterized by its charming irreverence, and consolidated the ancient theories are challenged, the most deeply rooted traditions are torn from their roots.
's atmosphere and concentrated specialized science, say the modern, hardly conducive to the development of innate imagination. But keeping flexible is innate imagination, is very important, even vital significance for the whole of our spiritual development. For this reason, we must proceed in accordance with the following principle: Once all the scientific efforts, we ignore the expertise to become again as a child in nature.
explains the theory is that a word must be mentioned nombrársele free form what come to mind to questions. Following is the transcript of questions and answers.
My System.
One of my books, the others being: The practice of my system and Lock. Our age is characterized by its charming irreverence, and consolidated the ancient theories are challenged, the most deeply rooted traditions are torn from their roots.
's atmosphere and concentrated specialized science, say the modern, hardly conducive to the development of innate imagination. But keeping flexible is innate imagination, is very important, even vital significance for the whole of our spiritual development. For this reason, we must proceed in accordance with the following principle: Once all the scientific efforts, we ignore the expertise to become again as a child in nature.
Keep us full of joy and carefree as a child, forget the rough seriousness of life and give ourselves willingly to the frivolity and the "game"!
From Italian to designate the music fan , the music lover based in Latin delectare please, delight, rejoicing that have no other occupation that recreation in this area Art. be framed purely dilettante activity within a broad scope covering the fields of art, theater, cinema, painting, music and chess: We must not allow the spirit of decay, we cultivate their innate tendency to play activities. Playful
The innate tendency of the spirit into the play activities and idle, can be used in chess practice, precisely because the trial of juxtaposing individual mental components, is extremely significant for the game of chess. Item
modern. "It
the modern game Tarrasch yet truly modern interpretation?, or is outdated and dogmatic
Try not recognize the hypermodern school. Those who have stayed away from the spirit of modern times, can easily fall into the temptation to ridicule dilettantism. In the field of chess, this mockery is not difficult. A sufficient state without mercy, technical errors or dilettante generalize and say: The dilettante attacks during the game there, which happens at the time, while the teacher, where the position requires. He is carried away by his state of mind, while looking for the move obviously right, and similar arguments.
The teacher is not only a man subject to subjective impulses, the same as any other player, apart from that, just today is fashionable psychological struggle against the enemy. And what's more important: it is precisely the dilettante who expect the renewal of art who has not frozen into the routine, they can never move towards a new and productive reasoning.
The creative teacher.
The teacher who creates, must look with kindness and sympathy to the dilettante, because both seek the exception to the rule are both strategic and seems very tempting to search easy victory.
The chess routine.
I would argue that creativity gifted teacher has more contact points with the gifted dilettante with colleagues poorly equipped, well understood that the little word "mediocre" is not in any way due to the successes, if not only the face of chess masters cuestión.El "poorly gifted teacher" equal, to the specialist routine, always lectured and disqualified, in this aspect can not change anything and dissatisfaction expand equally in both directions.
hypermodern school.
I am among them: positional introduced many new principles, such as restriction and blockade attacking the pawn chain at its base and overprotection, control the center without their occupation, indirect action, close game with internal maneuvers, bishops acting from the pawn chain fianchetos and without tension. A landslide in central position entitling attack on a wing.
ideas teasing. Since there is no history of chess has been treated like my new ideas with contempt or silence in the best of cases.
generation ahead of their 50 years at least.
Tarrasch's ideas.
His concepts are of regidez that scared, I think that is the vanguaria of the Puritans.
The position game.
The game has its own technique, as every branch of art, and this technique can be acquired. Wiener
chess magazine in which I write my articles hipermodernos.Jugadores hypermodern.
Among them: the Masters Reti, Breyer, Grunfeld, Colle, and Tartakover Sämisch.
may come to seem funny, but I assure you that for me the free laborer has a soul and, like man, has aspirations to sleep in it, as unknown, and fear to exist just suspicion. This is extended to the pawn chain or any other strategic element. On each of them give a series of laws and rules that go into detail, and to help clarify the mysterious chains of the most common actions that are performed on the 64 squares on the board-Preface of my book.
passed Pawn.
passed pawns are natural candidates for promotion, and must work in your favor by facilitating its progress, while the adversary must consider such laborers as "dangerous criminals" and to exercise tight control over them.
The figures on the board.
parts remain long in seclusion, when they win freedom can gain immense strength.
to dominate the center is not necessary to deal with pawns, you can master it with parts, such as bishops, bishops and developing fianchetto. Even the most hyper couple of teachers can develop more of four bishops by fianchetto.
Prophylaxis, Superdefense and blocking.
-Smile - read "My System"
King. Even
laziest King flees wildly in the face of a double check.
part nailed.
The defensive power of a pinned piece is only imaginary.
types of talent.
Talent combining more detailed work can make possible the impossible. I tell the player fighting one letter seek to understand the most important positional motives and strategies. Those who do not like the combinations, try to study them. The union combined with positional game will bring success, happiness and charm
plays brutal hate prefer subtle moves.
The real humor often contains more internal truths more sober seriousness I am supporter of the parallel comic and I like to use the fears of everyday life, to clarify some fecetas complicated chess. The
chess players are welcome!.
A threat is stronger than its execution. That
is proud of his book.
have reduced the chaos to a set of rules there are between a number of causes, is precisely what enorgullecey I have written a book of true education. Contro
central control exercised by occupation does not require a central pawn mass is not always strong and often is the subject of ataques.Sus positional principles are: prophylaxis, restriction and blockade pawn attacking the base at their bases and overprotection.
The Nimzo-Indian. I guess
Tarrasch lover angry bishop, in this variant black shed their precious dark-squared bishop in the midst of opening its drawbacks strategic aim of this system is the weakening of the white pawn structure brings into play a lot of strategic wealth with chances for both sides, is an iconic pose of a classical configuration of doubled pawns on the c
A very capable player, Spielmann is unable to compromise. This feature has its origin precisely in their temperament. Even defensive plays, such as protecting a weak pawn with Torre, are foreign. Therefore, in dealing with it must try to simplify the position, to exclude the grounds of attack, and then make a game of pressure on both sides.
caused hilarity Do your ideas?. If
especially fianchetto idea: place a bishop on a corner of the board, from which also keeps an eye on the center, but not in it. The position of bishop in the corner was ridiculous, eye accustomed to centralized bishops.
One of the most active in the smear campaign of the Fianchetto Tartakower was the Polish player. One hypothesis attributes the term "defense India "to him. Legend has it Tartakower joked about moving fianchetto (g6 or b6). For him, it was like a chess move of the former self which was played in India (in which the pawns could only move one step and bishops could only make moves "short" some say that's where the term arising ironic "defense india.
" Overprotection a purely Jewish idea, which deters the aggressive mood. "
Alelkhine Phrase. It has also said that it is fear of the struggle, doubts about one's own spiritual strength, adding that it is a sad picture of intellectual self-destruction.
Mi satisfaction is to have seen the gambit innovation play my ideal woman, in a game and observe the accuracy of my principles.
We follow the laws of logic, like non-modernist, with a proviso that try to breathe new life into dogmas closed cases.
Match vs Nimzovich.
Alenxander avoid it. I ask too much money, but not to Bogoljubov several times champion of Germany, who for less money, given the opportunity to compete for the world title, perhaps because I knew he would win easily. Also never saw the match: Steinitz vs Tarrasch.
is capable of much, for instance embitter the lives of young talent, but one thing can not can not ultimately prevent the emergence of successful ideas.
Idea and compilation.
We follow the laws of logic, like non-modernist, with a proviso that try to breathe new life into dogmas closed cases.
Match vs Nimzovich.
Alenxander avoid it. I ask too much money, but not to Bogoljubov several times champion of Germany, who for less money, given the opportunity to compete for the world title, perhaps because I knew he would win easily. Also never saw the match: Steinitz vs Tarrasch.
is capable of much, for instance embitter the lives of young talent, but one thing can not can not ultimately prevent the emergence of successful ideas.
Idea and compilation.
Dr. Gabriel Hood Vidal.
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