Photo: Ruben Fine in Mexico
Fine Reuben Fine holds a Ph.D. in psychology was born in New York City into a poor family of Russian Jewish origin. He learned to play chess at age 8, is his uncle who taught him and soon became one of the most feared players in the famous Marshall Chess Club in New York. At 18 Alehkine got a draw in a tournament in Pasadena California. In the talk recalls his early years. My idols were Wilhelm Steinitz and Lasker. Steinitz was the master of consistency and Lasker a tactical genius. Capablanca was trying to learn the virtue of simplicity, of Alehkine the fast to win, Rubinstein's art finishes. Says his first international appearance was in England at the Hastings tournament, winning first place, without losing a game. In total becomes first in 8 of the 13 international competitions in which it participates. I classify within the six strongest players in the world.
represented the U.S. in many chess Olympiads where the home team invariably ended in the first place won five medals (four gold) in three Chess Olympiads. U.S. Won Open Championship seven times that participated.
. Reuben
is known that ever conquered the U.S. Championships runner-up after losing crucial games. I do not really dare to question if it has a psychological meaning.
formulate the question. Samuel Reshevsky contricante was one of his strongest in his youth (Fine Several times Samuel was left behind).
Yes it was. Repulsion existed between us up.
of Reuben is said to have a masterful ability to solve technical problems such as the preservation of small things, a willingness to enter into risky positions. He likes to confront his opponents with difficult problems from the very first move. It is working, you can exploit minimum advantages in efficiency and may create positions of attack. On top of his game is logical.
The AVRO tournament opened the opportunity to compete for the world center. The tournament was created in order to get a challenger to contest the throne Alehkine Master Monarch at the time. Fine tied for first with Paul Keres. The winner of AVRO (Dutch radio station sponsoring the event) was a double round robin competition. Fine finished ahead of Mikhail Botvinnik, Alekhine champions and past champions Max Euwe and Capablanca, and of the great masters and Solomon Reshevsky Samuel Flohr. Fine won both their games against Alekhine. This fair was considered the strongest ever made by the chess players who participated.
The World War II interrupted the plans of the world championship. Finally, after the death of Alexander Alehkine reigning champion, Fine declined the invitation to participate in the fair to determine the new champion of the world.
argue are several reasons for his withdrawal from the myth that the U.S. army forbade it, or that the Russians would be where would the throne. He wondered why the Master of his failure to attend such dispute for the championship. Fine seño smiles and then seriously said: Those were difficult times I had family to feed and miscellaneous expenses at that time had not money in chess. It was a precarious life: making simultaneous, writing chess books, magazine notes. There is much pressure to play all over the world for a few dollars. Besides working on my PhD, another circumstance was that negotiations on the tournament had lasted too long. Ran the risk that after several months in my preparations, finally was canceled.
. Fine
stated: In its heyday, Fine combining ability was the most dangerous in the world. When I wanted to show off, he could play three or four games blits (simultaneous) blindfold. Hence its nickname of Chico dangerous. His skill in rapid chess has baffled even world class players. Alone contributed more to the science of chess than any other author.
. Reuben Fine
married and divorced four times as many currently lives with his fifth wife Marcia. We asked the Grand Master - Elo 2762-
What did during the war years?.
Work for the U.S. Navy and wrote articles about chess and also works as a translator, in addition to winning some open, with meager rewards.
prestigious Fine is now a psychoanalyst, has written many books on chess and on psychoanalysis. One of his books about chess is called the World's Greatest Chess Games-The best games of chess in the world, this book contains countless Reuben Fine, the best games of the best players. The first chapter is a historical introduction, the second is dedicated to players prior to Paul Morphy, and the remaining seven to the different eras of each of the champions by assigning to each and every title: The Age of Morphy, Lasker , Capablanca, Botvinnik has written another book which is a classic Basic Chess Finals, another one is: Behind the openings in chess. The field of psychoanalysis is the author of numerous works including: The history of psychoanalysis, Freud a critical reappraisal of his theories, The narcissism, the individual and society, understanding of the human psyche. etc.
It explains the Doctor of Psychology, Grand Master and prolific author of chess books and psychoanalysis that nombrársele a word, must be disclosed freely whatever comes in mind. Following is the transcript of his answers.
When write his biography?
. Look
'm collecting my games will be a book about my career I name it on your mind: Lessons from my passion for chess games.
You were a serious contender for the world title his career lasted 10 years participating in the just stronger and virtually retired at age 24.
Haha ha ha I know where he goes Yes like Morphy and Charles Torre, but I assure you that my retirement was for other reasons. Apropos of Carlos Torre hare been carefully met him in Monterey, Mexico, vvia with a brother, talked and juge a game with him.
A neurologist who became interested in deciphering the conditions then called hysterical with his best friend and mentor, Dr. Joseph Breuer Both treated the patient Anna O.
Anna O. It was Breuer's patient from 1880 to 1882. At 21 years old, Anna spent most of her time caring for her sick father, developing a cough was not an important explanation physical and speech difficulties, which ended in complete silence, followed by expressions in English only, rather than their native tongue, German.
When his father died, the patient began to refuse food and developed an unusual and strange series of symptoms. He lost feeling in his hands and feet, partial paralysis and involuntary spasms. Also had visual hallucinations and tunnel vision. Whenever doctors examine Anna to study these physical symptoms appeared, they found no demonstrable physical cause.
addition to these symptoms, if not worse, had fantasies childlike, dramatic mood swings and suicide attempts. Breuer's diagnosis was that at that time was called hysteria (now conversion disorder), which meant I had physical symptoms appeared, but were not.
At night, Anna sank into a state of "spontaneous hypnosis" as Breuer called them, to which the patient self-appointed "clouds." (Anna had a high intellectual training and was a well-educated woman, so it is not surprising that she uses very specific terms, including how to designate some of its states, as in the case of states hypnoid. Breuer realized that, despite these trance states, the patient could talk about their fantasies and other experiences during the day, feeling better later. Anna called these episodes "chimney cleaning" and "the talking cure."
Sometimes during "chimney cleaning", Anna provided some data giving some particular understanding of their symptoms. The first data came just after he refused to drink water for a while, recalled seeing a woman drinking a glass of water that a dog had licked before. When reminded this image, disgusted and ensuing him an intense feeling of disgust ... only immediately after drinking a glass of water!. In other words, their symptoms (hydrophobia) disappeared as soon as you say and felt the particular feeling of disgust that is, the basis of symptoms. Breuer called catharsis, the Greek "to" clean up "these states of spontaneous recovery.
11 years later, Breuer and his assistant, Sigmund Freud, wrote a book on hysteria, which explained his theory. All hysteria is the result of a traumatic experience that can not be accepted in the values \u200b\u200band understanding the world of a person. The emotions associated with trauma are not expressed directly, simply evaporate: are expressed through behavior in a vague, imprecise. To put it another way, these symptoms have meaning. When the patient can come to understand the origin of their symptoms (through hypnosis, for example), then release repressed emotions so no need to express themselves through them. Similar to drain a local infection.
Thus, Anna was gradually improving their symptoms. But it is important to note that she could not do without Breuer: while in their hypnotic states, needed to have the hands of Breuer with it, and unfortunately, new problems arose.
According to Freud, Breuer recognized that the patient had also fallen in love with him and he also was attracted to her. In addition, the patient was telling everyone she was pregnant with Breuer. You could say that she wanted as her mind told your body that this was true, developing a hysterical pregnancy (pregnancy today called pseudocyesis or psychological). Breuer, a married man in the Victorian era, abruptly left the session and lost all interest in hysteria.
was Freud who subsequently took up what Breuer had not openly acknowledged, ie at the bottom of all these hysterical neurosis lay a sexual desire. What happened
With regard to the evolution of Anna, it spent much of the remaining time in a sanatorium. Later, he became a highly respected and active figure (the first woman social worker from Germany) under its own name: Bertha Pappenheim. He died in 1936. Anna will be remembered, not only for their own achievements, but as the inspiration for the theory of the most influential personality we have ever known. Breur Freud continued to separate from their patients,
coming to make a complete theory of personality, dream interpretation and a treatment called psychoanalysis.
Are you passionate about psychoanalysis?
Yes, psychoanalysis has the power to change destiny. I have written a book that I dedicadoa my grandchildren. "History of Psychoanalysis," Psychoanalysis can integrate everything we know about humanity in a unified science. The book is a tour de force.
Charles Jung.
was a disciple of Freud, he conceived the theory of collective unconscious. If a person with a sense of the unconscious and its habit and express in symbolic form, this is Carl Jung. It is said that Freud canceled all his appointments for the day, to continue a conversation with Jung that lasted 13 hours continuous. Such was the impact of this encounter between these two minds privileged! Eventually, Freud regarded Jung as Benjamin, the heir of psychoanalysis and his right hand. Unfortunately Jung began a descent into obscurantist mysticism that would eventually take him to astrology and flying saucers, whose absurdity was evident to all but his most ardent supporters.
"Psychoanalytic Observations on Chess and chess masters"
is work that I published in a newspaper and soon will expand and take the form of books, part of a trial of Ernest Jones' The Problem of Paul Morphy "Ernest is: Psychoanalyst a good friend like me, and good chess player, biographer Sigmund Freud.
What title have thought?
. Psychology
chess player.
Ernest Jones.
A good analyst and a good friend. In a recent letter Jones wrote to me: My own interest in chess has followed a curious course My father taught me to move the pieces when I was 10 years, the old story. Later in my life as a psychoanalyst can count the times I've practiced chess. Following the bombing of London I came to live in a cottage and a few patients had been practicing chess again. At the age of sixty-three years I discovered how serious that chess can be.
I referred to the letter: "The problem with Paul Morphy "is an insightful document and discusses the pathology of Morphy. On the psychology of chess Jones states" that the game of chess is a substitute art of war and that the reason is simple subconscious desire for aggressiveness characteristic of all the competitive sports but meaner parricide.
Sublimation is a defense mechanism. The ego unconsciously directs psychic energy associated with an unacceptable desire for moral awareness towards these activities so reprehensible impulses can be channeled to socially productive activities, accept them as science, art, etc.. To take an example a personality with sadistic impulses can sublimate these desires, becoming a surgeon. Another way to sublimate it through art, of creation. In the case of chess sublime combination of hostile impulses and homosexuals. The culture is based on the sublimation.
Many will cry to heaven to read your text.
If you've heard about, that my ideas do not add anything to chess, in my text will not find ways or methods to win at chess. Indeed, in this sense is useless to read. For this I am the author of other books on chess. My book profudiza in unconscious motivations chess player. It is a study of the drives involved in the chess game, as the taboo of touching, touched piece rule, part play. If a player touches a piece is forced to move. If you accidentally touch it should read j adoube French (compose) There is a phallic symbol of the game. The taboo of touching has two meanings subconscious, the ego rejects two threats. One is the masturbation - do not touch the pieces, do not touch the penis and if you do hasten to apologize.
The other is homosexuality, or physical contact between men. The chess player is only allowed to touch your opponent's pieces capture purposes, and the piece must be removed from the board.
In a situation in which two men stay with their own choice for hours without any women present, we are forced to consider homosexual implications. On the other hand among the masters of this century only know one case of homosexuality. The abundant phallic symbolism of chess provides some welcome fantasy of homosexual desire, particularly desire for mutual masturbation.
The chess player is strong ego able to withstand large amount of libidinal stimulation, may waive the satisfaction primitive objects and can neutralize highly propulsive energies.
The overwhelming feeling of superiority on the part of one of the players is complemented by the fatal impotence of the other. This feature sadistic anal can accommodate chess to satisfy both homosexual and antagonistic aspects of the father son rivalry. Chess sublime combination of hostile impulses and homosexuals.
is one of the older games but in the last hundred years has reached the popular chess game character on a universal scale. The literature on chess is superior to the literature on all the other games together. The chess game is essentially a male for every hundred men who play a practical woman. In Russia Vera Menchic has progressed to the point where it can compete with men in teachers and win tournaments.
Chess is an intellectualized aggression, a successful sublimation. The aggressiveness is maintained within normal limits. The victories do not become mégalomas conquests or defeats end in extermination. And while we will be looking art on the board.
Father of chess.
is the father or father substitute who teaches the child to play chess the game becomes a means of resolving the father son rivalry. I noticed that very few chess experts whose children excel in their skills in the game, subconsciously, the father does not allow identification compliance.
Chess is a competition between two people, which fits particularly appropriate way to frame the aggressive conflicts Other libidinal impulses date mainly from the development levels of anal-phallic this struggle within the board involved a large number of factors related to the ego. Roza conflicts surrounding aggression, homosexuality, masturbation and narcissism. Chess is part of the efforts of the child to match and surpass his father.
Lord of the sentence that chess is too difficult for a game and too little to be a science but it seems to me that chess is more about both art and science.
The symbol is a word or an image when it represents something more immediate and obvious meaning. In chess central figure is the king of great symbolism and plays a decisive role, is the part that gives the name of the game. The term chess is the English version of chess voice that comes from the Persian word shah, king and that is the same more or less in all three words The universal language of the game are: chess, chess., Check-check- king and king-sha-derived all of the king becomes the central figure in the game. The king is absolutely important, irreplaceable and yet weak and in need of protection is primarily symbolic meaning of the boy's penis in the phallic stage
King discovers several characteristic features of the chess player King is indispensable and irreplaceable also paramount because you can only have a king.
Unlike the real kings. The king of the board, as a piece is very weak. The king is a little stronger than a pawn. The king should remain protected by the castle for most of the game. The other parts are to protect the king and no king to them.
The king becomes the central figure of the symbolism of the game represents the first boy's penis in the phallic stage, therefore re-stimulate the castration complex second characteristic of this period describes certain essential characteristics of the image itself, in therefore appeals to those who have a concept of themselves that allows important and irreplaceable considered essential. That gives the chess player an opportunity to resolve disputes centered around the narcissism. Third, the king is the father down to the size of the boy.
Subconsciously, gives the child the opportunity to tell the father to the outside world can you be big and strong, but if we reach the merits, it appears that you are as weak as me and I need as much protection. Chess encourages a vigorous assertion of personality.
. Presumably
then pawns children.
. Indeed
and toddlers. Can grow, become, when they reach eighth row, but it is significant that are denied the status of "king" This restriction on the crowning of the laborers means that emphasizes the destructive aspect of the rivalry with the father. In chess we would anticipate, on the one hand a critique of authority and, secondly, an inability or apathy to move in the direction of the father. The contrast between the powerful and the humble pawn king symbolizes the ambivalence inherent in the concept itself that is the chess player.
Most players are surprised to learn that chess is an outlet for hostile feelings. The nature of the game is responsible to hide. The objective of capturing the opponent's pieces, is transformed into the most subtle of checkmate. That means that the king must be threatened directly and not to make any legal move. Must be subjected to an attack and yet you can not capture. If we adapt the three symbolic meanings of the king, checkmate mean: castration first, second exposure of hidden weaknesses and third destruction. On the one hand, the player's ego represses and intellectualized his aggressiveness on the other, satisfies a certain extent through the game itself.
Milton Milton Gurvitz make an interesting experiment with inmates, he is a criminal psychologist. Demonstrated of prisoners who learned chess during his period of incarceration
demonstrated after less prone to recidivism. Developing better ways to govern their aggressive instincts.
But many players resting their king and is never dull.
This happens most of the time the three symbolic meanings cited above should be kept away from consciousness, therefore, the chess player can not admit to their conflicting desires. So the painful blow of checkmate is diluted in the merits of the players as players gain experience and give or leave long before the announcement of checkmate, when looking at the blunt force material advantages or impossible to overcome.
This mitigates direct aggression.
Yes, who discovered the game for the first time, her greatest pleasure he gives his attempts to direct attack on the king as they become skilled, begin to appreciate the subtle nuances, as the game positional pawn maneuvers, strategy etc open. So tambe direct aggression gradually fades.
Then the ego of chess, represses, and intellectualized.
effect, but otherwise satisfies certain extent by using the search game itself. Several features of the game brings out the narcissism Chess is a battle won individual can present a match to light elements grandiose self-image. This narcissism is the phallic stage.
Is there a way to play chess influences the subconscious?
is broad and extensive psychoanalytic literature that paints the intimate relationship between the works of artists and their neurotic conflicts. The same unconscious forces involved in chess, both in regard to how the game is intertwined with the character structure, as in regard to style the player takes. Teachers usually adhere to certain openings that match your mood. Peaceful and passive man can play a brilliant chess and develop their aggressiveness on the board instead the aggressive man aggressiveness can compensate by playing a chess alone.
Einstein created the theory of relativity was a friend of Lasker. Emanuel told his genius friend, who assert that the speed of light in empty space was infinite, was about to demonstrate, then there was good reason for applying the theory. Einstein Lasker face of resistance to reach a conclusion, he asserted that because of his temperament chess player, did not require that something be established categorically, since after all chess was not more than a game. Lasker was not committed to any doctrinal point of view. Steinitz was frequently expressed more eager to demonstrate theories that win, Capablanca wanted to simplify and Alehkine attack.
Richard Reti.
At first glance, not seem to matter how you win the chess game, however, experience shows that even within the same level of potential, a careful analysis reveals great similarities in the approach to the game . Reti was whether the book Masters of the Board, who noted that for the first time and paper with lots of detail. Any expert distinguishes a Degas painting of Leonardo, and the styles of chess players take on a distinctive appearance identifiable as experts. Some chess players know how to attack and defend with equal skill, Others dominate the attack, but poor defending, others defend well, but they attack so poor.
Many chess players have been treated as heroes.
King discovers other characteristic features of the chess player. The hero worship of heroes. Several chess champions within adjectives have been enormous: Morphy was known as the best player of all time, another example Steinitz was named the father of modern chess, will be called Machine chess Capablanca, Alekhine it was said, is the most formidable attacking player of all time.
This stems from the need to find a hero chess who worship. Likewise champions themselves pander to their fans and get great satisfaction subconscious that idolize groups.
personality structures of some of the champions of the world show marked similarities to those called heroes in this group felt Morphy, Steinitz, Capablanca and Alekhine. They were given almost exclusively to chess. All of these men reported considerable emotional distress. The Morphy was the deepest. The four had highly aggressive character traits and narcissistic. All groundwater harbored fantasies of omnipotence, to a greater or lesser extent, identified themselves as kings of the board.
The role of chess in their lives is clear, served as a vehicle to satisfy their hobbies of omnipotence. These delusions governed by the ego, it was gradually libidizando and flooding an increasing part of the personality. In his notes
you distinguish another group, talks about the no heroes. I distinguish
not heroes because they manifest the exact opposite trend. Lacked the myth built around so take chess as one of their intellectual activities, show ability to succeed in other areas. Are psychologically healthy. I will say that chess is different from other activities as it gives more satisfaction libidinal currents of intellectual activities.
Obviously you are a hero not, after rejecting competing for the championship of the world. Fine
smiles and terminated the interview.
. Http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1071864
vs Paul Keres, Reuben Fine
. Reuben Fine Books
Basic Chess Endings, by Reuben Fine, 1941, McKay. Chess end basis, Reuben Fine, 1941, McKay. Revised in 2003 by Pal Benko. ISBN 0-8129-3493-8. Revised in 2003 by Pal Benko. ISBN 0-8129-3493-8.
The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings, by Reuben Fine, 1943. The ideas behind the chess openings, Reuben Fine, 1943. Revised in 1989. Revised in 1989. McKay, ISBN 0-8129-1756-1. McKay, ISBN 0-8129-1756-1.
Practical Chess Openings, by Reuben Fine. Practice Openings by Reuben Fine. The middlegame
in Chess by Reuben Fine. ISBN 0-8129-3484-9. The middle game in chess, by Reuben Fine. ISBN 0-8129-3484-9.
Modern Chess Openings, sixth Edition, by Reuben Fine. Modern Chess Openings, Sixth Edition by Reuben Fine.
Chess the Easy Way by Reuben Fine, 1942. Chess the Easy Way by Reuben Fine, 1942. Paperback re-issue 1986. ISBN 0-6716-2427-X paperback reissue 1986. ISBN 0-6716-2427-X
Chess Marches On, by Reuben Fine, 1946. Chess in the marches, by Reuben Fine, 1946.
Dr. Lasker's Chess Career, by Fred Reinfeld and Reuben Fine, 1935. Lasker Chess in the race, Fred Reinfeld and Reuben Fine, 1935.
Lessons From My Games, by Reuben Fine, 1958. Lessons from My Games by Reuben Fine, 1958.
The Psychology of the Chess Player by Reuben Fine, 1967. The psychology of chess player, Reuben Fine, 1967.
Bobby Fischer's Conquest of the World's Chess Championship: The Psychology and Tactics of the Title Match, by Reuben Fine, 1973. ISBN 0923891471 The Conquest of Bobby Fischer Chess World Championships: The psychology and tactics of the fight for the title, by Reuben Fine, 1973. ISBN 0923891471
The World's Great Chess Games by Reuben Fine, Dover, 1983. ISBN 0-486-24512-8. World's greatest chess games by Reuben Fine, Dover, 1983. ISBN 0-486-24512-8.
[edit] On
psychology psychology Freud: a Critical Re-evaluation of His Theories, by Reuben Fine (1962). Freud: a critical re-evaluation of his theories, by Reuben Fine (1962).
The Healing of the Mind, by Reuben Fine (1971). The healing of the mind, by Reuben Fine (1971).
The Development of Freud's Thought, by Reuben Fine (1973). The development of Freud's thought, by Reuben Fine (1973).
Psychoanalytic Psychology, by Reuben Fine (1975). Psychoanalytic psychology, by Reuben Fine (1975).
The History of Psychoanalysis by Reuben Fine (1979). The history of psychoanalysis, by Reuben Fine (1979).
The Psychoanalytic Vision, by Reuben Fine (1981). The psychoanalytic view, by Reuben Fine (1981).
The Logic of Psychology, by Reuben Fine (1985). The logic of psychology, by Reuben Fine (1985).
The Meaning of Love in Human Experience, by Reuben Fine (1985). The meaning of love in human experience, by Reuben Fine (1985).
Narcissism, the Self, and Society, by Reuben Fine (1986). The narcissism, the self, and society, by Reuben Fine (1986).
The Forgotten Man: Understanding the Male Psyche, by Reuben Fine (1987). The Forgotten Man: Understanding the male psyche, by Reuben Fine (1987).