Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Woliera Zewnetrzna Na Sprzedaz

lived a year in the street, now is an entrepreneur : The letter of today in Clarin, shows how one can overcome obstacles to life .

The link to the note:

Enjoy it!

Cristian Bergmann

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Alice In Wonderland Cake Words>alice



What do we mean by entrepreneurial economy? When we mentioned this term, not well known to those who are not related to the subject, we are referring to the global economic situation and future trend of the global economy.
entrepreneur's economy is one in which changes develop steadily, becoming an endless series of breathtaking events where decisions must be paramount. The economy of a country is influenced by multiple factors, including education, so we can clearly demonstrate the effects of the transfer of entrepreneurial economy traditional economy with an example in education: The need felt by the youth of today is many times higher than in the past. We argue that 20 years ago high school was "enough" when now not only that it is not, but the degree also meets the same fate. Apart from the academic world, it requires knowledge of the area of \u200b\u200blanguages \u200b\u200band computers that can not fail to call attention.
What does then the economy entrepreneur? A large and impressive increase in daily demand.
Globally, the existence of well defined economic blocs and powerful who control most economic transactions, marginalize countries "developing" by increasing the demand for them. In this globalized world, every company must not only compete with companies in the country but is also forced to compete with other companies in other countries.

In this context, inefficient and small businesses that do not conform to the reality that we all have those days.

However, this context has important advantages because it provides endless opportunities. Those who survive in this complex reality are those that are constantly updated and not afraid to penetrate new territories and procedures. Is the entrepreneur who can take these opportunities and turn them into strengths.

no doubt that reality is a complex, which has its pro and against, but no longer the reality for which we are forced to adapt anyway.

Guido Weber