Love in the air Americans Are Not Stupid
Beyond free trade ... Why
is possible that one is angry because he has no sign or trade unions to be disturbed. So one may firmly believe that openness in store in better service and more choice. But what nobody can deny is that no matter what the mountain village in the Costa Rican roads lead without ICE, an image like this is simply not possible.
students without teachers? remember one afternoon in the fifth year of high school when my math teacher came to ask each one of her students what they would study at the university. Classic in this country up cuitea doctor told my teammates (a) , engineer (a) , lawyer (a) ... That was more or less the acceptable range. Most tendry dare say maybe actor (actress) and the most nerds claimed that his field was physics or pure mate. I, innocent, I prepare for the question and to get to my place, I look at my professor casually and say, "Teacher." What happened later, a mixture of expletives with discrimination (gender and social) over the implementation of a series of value judgments such as "race MMC (as I case) or" brain waste "I left crying in the bathroom next to the Ninth C, mediocre and bad feeling judged. All, I explained after my friends trying to comfort me, it was because my teacher thought I was "too good" to dedicate myself to be a fucking masterpiece. So a day like today when I open the newspaper and I find a country that boasts a 100% coverage NO school teachers or teachers ill-prepared, the irony makes me anxious. At last, after all, if education is a mediocre career, how we expect our children are not?