Monday, December 17, 2007

Cirrhosis Of The Liver

The Moral Midget Nation

by Cristian Bergmann

is within, hidden, ready to act.
He walks, breaking early individualist like few others, does not mind stepping on the head of his neighbor or family member to maximize their profits. Not taxed to the State, because he says that will not return in services. Poor
employees when they learn they can not have a decent pension, as the "dwarf" has not made employer contributions concerned. Also please do not get sick because they do not have social work will have to pay out of pocket expenses remedies.
The moral dwarf Nation does not distinguish between laws, ordinances, regulations. He is the law, and if not, adjusts to your needs.
His folly lets you see without experiencing exclusion and helplessness in him any sense of pity, compassion, empathy. The blame always the others have. Suffice it to say that no his hand to the poor, the maelstrom of everyday life did not allow it.
The bribe is the instrument used, which brazenly used to circumvent the law, and who should enforce it.
Walks in political and lobbyist for causes is not very clear, thereby seeking to increase their power and their cut.
not vote for several years, as many have fallen into discredit politicians after several unfulfilled hopes and also know that voting is a right, the ultimate democratic tool, our main weapon to counter the excesses of those who circumstantially , in power. Blasphemous
imploring that the poor have to "kill all" because they want to work, unaware that poverty and exclusion is a structural problem in the country, since the choice of life was not excluded marginality adding to this the burden of supporting daily emotional deprivation, economic, educational, housing deficits, and neglected their health care. Also omitted if born in this reality and with these limitations could have done little out of it.
The moral midget asphyxiation our destiny, paralyzes, slows. Steadily regresses
and reproduces faster pace. Eradication
this character of society, is the remaining task is our task. Arduous and progressive, a battle without respite. The story plays against us but the hope of seeing a better country, with law-abiding people, the ideas of others, one's word has to encourage us to undertake this venture, which is far from impossible.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Woliera Zewnetrzna Na Sprzedaz

lived a year in the street, now is an entrepreneur : The letter of today in Clarin, shows how one can overcome obstacles to life .

The link to the note:

Enjoy it!

Cristian Bergmann

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Alice In Wonderland Cake Words>alice



What do we mean by entrepreneurial economy? When we mentioned this term, not well known to those who are not related to the subject, we are referring to the global economic situation and future trend of the global economy.
entrepreneur's economy is one in which changes develop steadily, becoming an endless series of breathtaking events where decisions must be paramount. The economy of a country is influenced by multiple factors, including education, so we can clearly demonstrate the effects of the transfer of entrepreneurial economy traditional economy with an example in education: The need felt by the youth of today is many times higher than in the past. We argue that 20 years ago high school was "enough" when now not only that it is not, but the degree also meets the same fate. Apart from the academic world, it requires knowledge of the area of \u200b\u200blanguages \u200b\u200band computers that can not fail to call attention.
What does then the economy entrepreneur? A large and impressive increase in daily demand.
Globally, the existence of well defined economic blocs and powerful who control most economic transactions, marginalize countries "developing" by increasing the demand for them. In this globalized world, every company must not only compete with companies in the country but is also forced to compete with other companies in other countries.

In this context, inefficient and small businesses that do not conform to the reality that we all have those days.

However, this context has important advantages because it provides endless opportunities. Those who survive in this complex reality are those that are constantly updated and not afraid to penetrate new territories and procedures. Is the entrepreneur who can take these opportunities and turn them into strengths.

no doubt that reality is a complex, which has its pro and against, but no longer the reality for which we are forced to adapt anyway.

Guido Weber

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Columbus Driver's License Renewal

A happy country is a country with love. And Tiquicia, Cupid is fashionable. Who knew that among the policies ... a President could get a girlfriend?

More here.

Besides, I wonder:

- Flag?
- Are you going to the movies?
- They go hand in hand?

And others ...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Denise Milani-wikipedia

Love in the air Americans Are Not Stupid

No Comments

Friday, February 9, 2007

Manchester Arek Jedzie Dziś Do Anglii Tekst

Beyond free trade ... Why

is possible that one is angry because he has no sign or trade unions to be disturbed. So one may firmly believe that openness in store in better service and more choice. But what nobody can deny is that no matter what the mountain village in the Costa Rican roads lead without ICE, an image like this is simply not possible.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Blaze King Stove Material

students without teachers?

remember one afternoon in the fifth year of high school when my math teacher came to ask each one of her students what they would study at the university. Classic in this country up cuitea doctor told my teammates (a) , engineer (a) , lawyer (a) ... That was more or less the acceptable range. Most tendry dare say maybe actor (actress) and the most nerds claimed that his field was physics or pure mate.

I, innocent, I prepare for the question and to get to my place, I look at my professor casually and say, "Teacher." What happened later, a mixture of expletives with discrimination (gender and social) over the implementation of a series of value judgments such as "race MMC (as I case) or" brain waste "I left crying in the bathroom next to the Ninth C, mediocre and bad feeling judged.

All, I explained after my friends trying to comfort me, it was because my teacher thought I was "too good" to dedicate myself to be a fucking masterpiece. So a day like today when I open the newspaper and I find a country that boasts a 100% coverage NO school teachers or teachers ill-prepared, the irony makes me anxious. At last, after all, if education is a mediocre career, how we expect our children are not?

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Hannah Montana Pc Tapety

There's something wrong ... (02)

First time: Halloween, Trejos Montealegre. University college shooting premiere car and card. A night to show the flesh than any other day is hidden out of shame. And much, much booze ... Price rise: 2000 colones. History old.

Second time: New Year's Vertigo. Gringos loading whores like Christmas ornaments. A spirit in the air and excess. And lots and lots of drugs. Price rise: 2500 colones. This is not because I knew it would not have gone sabermela.

And today in The Nation, the story already verges on magic realism. But as I explained the sidewalk Guachi caring in the chute, "N'Diaye, if the government leases the beaches and parks, how I'm going to rent this acerita? One thing I have to eat ..."

Yes sir. Something we have to eat.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Retention Polyp More Condition_symptoms

All personal position ... The death of the tyrant

From the beginning I avoided succumbing to the temptation to comment on my personal life in this space. I have not gotten into the comments every where my desperation, my joys, my empty moments, my ups, my bad times, my downtime ...

I have argued from the beginning that this is political, opinion, cause. However, I think I was wrong. All personal position is political. How to say no to rise because the leaders are incapable of paying the same as you paid the bastard that because you do not have eggs or that you no longer enjoy the guy who moved the earth because ... Horror! During a random conversation discover that vote for the Libertarian Movement.

then begin new year with new spirits and seal the completed phases auto quoting me, so what?:

fear me because I'ma woman because I am

policy because sexual'm
... and you're afraid of competition